Letter #5

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Dear Joshua,

Hello. It's me again and I'm writing from the little hotel we're staying at; the gang and I. Currently, Emily and Jess are splashing one another in the clear, cerulean sea-shaded water, the waves nearly knocking the both of them off their feet. Matt and Mike are not far from them talking to Chris. Ashley is next to me reading The Help, and I am writing to you.

It's all I've been doing nowadays; writing letters to you, wondering if you're alive or not. Whatever you're doing is working because the thought of losing you is all I can think about. Not after losing Hannah and Beth — I can't lose you. I think you know that damn good and well and you're just playing with me, but who knows? If you were alive you would have surely responded by now.

Crap! The boys have gotten too close to Ashley and I who are out on the sand under our umbrellas. Now this paper is somewhat wet, meaning I now have to blow on this paper to prevent from ruining this letter even more than it already is. Sorry if my writing is now somewhat smeared or unreadable. Let me skip a few lines to make a new paragraph.

There we go; that should be better.

How are you, Josh? I mean you can't be good if you're not responding. Can I come see you sometime after this trip with the group? I'd like to tell you everything we've done on this trip so far and what's to come. I'll make sure you know all the details because you've always liked to know all the information on an event. You are just like your parents, you know that?

This trip would be way better with you here. It wouldn't have taken you and Chris so long to get Ashley and I wet. You would have loved the beach here because of the breeze and the sun blazing down on us, giving you a tan you somewhat need. Same goes for Ash, Chris, and I; we all need a tan.

We're planning to go out for dinner since it's almost 5 in the evening here. We've spent all of today at the beach and I hope we can come back tomorrow after touring and seeing some infamous attractions. It would be nice to do this, especially because Jess and Emily love the water, but I know Chris and Ashley wanna soak up all there is to know about this place. Matt and Mike will just follow whatever the girls do.

You should join us because we'll be here for awhile. I think we'll be here for a week or two, so you have time to book flights to and from. It's in Florida — Long Beach. I'll get the hotel name in a few minutes and give you it, but I really do hope you choose to come. Everyone would be overjoyed to see you again Josh.

With Love,

Dear Joshua | SAM X JOSH [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now