Annie's Farewell

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I wake up as the sun rises over the dusty buildings. The air is warm and muggy but not enough to build up a sweat. The nights are cold but easy to sleep through. I haven't looked at the arena properly since I arrived. There is no colour or plant life. Just streets that seem to go on forever. You could walk the entire length of the arena and not even notice because ever building is identical. I think that's the hardest part. Water is easy to find here, you just walk into a bathroom in one of the buildings and drink from the tap but getting lost here on your own could drive you insane. I haven't had anything to eat in a while but the hunger doesn't bother me.

I stand up and watch the sun break through the clouds. The colours are so distinct you could paint them. You rarely see a sun rise like this in 12 but I remember Katniss once saying, that in the woods, the sun is clear and bright when it shines in the morning.

I see Finnick sat in the middle of the road, watching the daylight stream through the mist. I sit down next to him and look where he's gazing. He knows I'm there but he doesn't speak for a while.

"What was it like?" He finally asks.

"What was what like?" I reply, never looking away from the brightening sky.

"Being hijacked?" His question takes a while to sink in but even then I still don't know what to say.

"It's like another person is speaking for you" I say after thinking for a minute. "I'm still unsure on nearly everything but I can trust Katniss now"

"She was really scared" Finnick looks at me "I never thought the Girl On Fire could be that terrified until I saw it"

"Even Mockingjays get scared" We don't speak much after that even though I have a million questions burning in my brain.

Katniss and Johanna wake up when the sun is above the buildings. We move on even deeper into the abandoned city.

Katniss comes up to me as we walk while Johanna and Finnick talk quietly. We don't speak until I ask the question that's been eating away at my mind.

"Did I kill your family?" She takes a step away from me in shock but I just blink at her, waiting for an answer.

"No! Of course not!" She talks quickly.

"Sorry, I don't remember" I bow my head for asking a stupid question.

"Don't be! You ask what ever you want"

"Did I attack Gale in 12?"

"Yeah..." She bites her lip "You got angry at him because he was upset that you painted me the way you did.."

"Did I kill Gale?"


"I don't remember what type of person I am" I look away from her and kick a stone along the floor.

"You're kind and generous. You are a baker. You can paint. You hate

sugar in your tea. You sleep with the windows open. You double knot your shoe laces. You like to lie on 2 pillows in bed. Your favourite colour is orange." The list goes on and I find out more and more about myself. I ask her questions about our first games as we travel through the city until we reach the centre.

There's old broken benches surrounding a fountain. It hold still water but it doesn't spurt it out like the ones in the Capitol. I spot a knife on the floor but when I pick it up I see it is splattered with blood. I follow a trail of blood that leads up the fountain. At the end of the trail sits a girl with dark brown hair. She is rocking backwards and forwards with her head rested on her knees. Her hair is dripping with water which runs down her back, soaking her t shirt.

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