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The District 12 I remember has gone. In its place stands a well oiled machine of people. It has gone from the home of starvation and poverty to a place of organisation.

They had to drag me out of the hover craft. I have no interest in reliving memories whether, they're real or not. 

"C'mon Peeta!" Haymitch shoves me down the streets of 12. We're are followed by Peace Keepers. Well, Plutarch says they aren't, they're soldiers, but they look like Peace Keepers to me except they're dressed in all black. It reminds me of chess. One side in white, the other in black. Both sides defending their leaders until they're knocked out of the game.

I am marched through the centre of 12 and up the steps of the Justice building. I keep my head down and try not to think about what happened last time I was here, but when I see a small splatter of paint on the concrete step, it all comes back to me. 

Once we're inside the building, the doors close behind us and I hear the click of a lock. I feel like this is all a trap. Snow could be waiting to kill me like he'd planned originally.

We walk through the maze of a building without stopping. I gaze around the halls to see the walls, which were once covered in banners with the seal of Panem, are now draped in black with Katniss' Mockingjay plasted every where. 

"Why are we here?" I ask Haymitch but he just looks at his feet while we walk, putting his hands in his pockets. He stops after a minute and tells the soldiers to leave us.

"We've been instructed to stay with Mellark" One argues.

"Well, I'm instructing you to leave" He shoos them off with his hand and they don't argue this time as they march off down the halls. Once they've left Haymitch starts walking again.

"Listen, we don't know what's happening in that head of yours so you're being sent to a psychiatrist" I rub my hand down my face. More doctors is not what I need right now. Doctor Enzel was bad enough!

Haymitch leads me into one of the rooms that is guarded by soldiers. When they see Haymitch they put their guns infront of the door.

"I'm sorry, you're aren't authorized to enter" The soldiers voice is stiff and almost robotic. Haymitch steps to the side until they see my face. The lower their guns instantly and open the door for us to enter. 

The room seems almost out of date compared to the new District. There's a large sofa in the centre of the room but the leather has split in different places. There are smaller chairs scattered about the room with similar cracked leather. Wooden shelves are fixed to the peeling wallpaper, holding books that have been gathering dust for what looks like years.

When I hear the door shut behind me I know Haymitch has locked me in. I walk over to the books and run my finger tips along the spines. 

"They need a good clean" A voice from behind me makes me turn on the spot. A tall man, with glasses on the end of his nose, stands on the far side of the room. How long has he been there?

I say nothing as I look him up and down. You can tell he's not from 12. He has wisps of black curls on his head and he is dressed in a deep blue suit and tie with golden watch hanging from his pocket. His eyes are fully black like mine were but I can't tell if it's just another Capitol trend or they're naturally like that.

"Take a seat" He gestures to the sofa opposite him but I sit in a chair that's far away from where he's stood. He just shrugs at me and pulls another chair to where I'm sat.

"I'm Talos" I'm not sure what to think of him as he hold out his hand to shake it.

"I'm sure you know me already" I take his and a shake it for a second before snatching it back. His hands are cold and feel lifeless, like there's no blood in them at all.

Peeta Mellark- What is left?Where stories live. Discover now