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🔐Locked Down🔐


Chan no tatum😂
911, what's your emergency?

Tatum no channing🤣
I hate when you do that! That's always your answer!

Chan no tatum😂
But it fits! Have you never called 911 before?

Gal Pal👯‍♀️
Okay you both can kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP now and let Bella Ophelia tell us what's going on!

My fullish name? Really Gal?

FOCUS OPAL! What's going on?!?

RIGHT! So remember how before I egg for this press tour I thought I could fight my feelings?yeah well it's proving harder than I thought😭

⚪️Pearl Girl⚪️
Why? What happened?

Tatum no channing🤣
Did you fuck him?!?

NO I DIDN'T FUCK HIM! Wtf Tate?😂😂 Every hotel we've been at so far I've ended up staying with him in his room instead of my own. We fall asleep cuddled up each night, but I think he just sees me as his little sis.

Wait, are you talking about Anthony or Sebastian?

⚪️Pearl Girl⚪️
Pay attention Kota. Where have you been for the past ten years of our lives?😂 of course it's Seb. It's always been Seb.

Chan no tatum😂
She's right Opes. You've literally been falling for this man since you were 12. Then it was SUPER fucking illegal, but now it's not and I support. You can't push him out because he's always been there and he always will be.

Gal Pal👯‍♀️
Call the presses! Channing actually said something that was helpful and made sense😂😂😂

You can't quite him. You're probably going to kill me for what I'm about to say next...but that's most likely why Luke left you. We all saw that you weren't giving him your all and he could tell also. Unlike us he didn't know the reason but he felt it.

^what she said. You're not going to be able to give your all to someone until you figure out what to do with your feelings for Seb

That's so hard though. I don't think he'll like me back for a couple of reasons. Maybe I shouldn't bother trying🤷🏻‍♀️

⚪️Pearl Girl⚪️
What are those reasons before you go making drastic choices in your love life.

Gal Pal👯‍♀️
I know one and it's one I think we should all be worried about. The wrath of RDJ. He'd probably kill Seb for even thinking about Bella in that way!

EXACTLY! Yeah my dad is a cool and chill guy, but when it comes to his kids he doesn't play. He'll probably think Seb manipulated me into liking him and a whole bunch of other shit. It wouldn't end well for anyone.

Chan no tatum😂
Easy fix: tell your dad how you feel about Sebastian before you even tell Seb. You'll be getting ahead of the problem!

Gal Pal👯‍♀️
Remember how I praised you for what you said earlier? Yeah, I'm going to take the praise back for this dumb idea!

Tatum no channing🤣
Actually Chan's idea is really smart! By having Bella tell her dad first he'll know that Seb didn't make her do anything!

Okay think of it this way. Would you be okay with your daughter dating someone 13 years older than her?

Honestly? Yeah!

⚪️Pearl Girl⚪️
That's because you're one of a kind Kota B😂😂

Chan no tatum😂
No I wouldn't. Okay I get the point you've all made. So what is Bella supposed to do?

I have no idea. I'm actually so confused. Thankfully we have today off and he's out with Anthony. Gives me time to figure my shit out.

Gal Pal👯‍♀️
I say you just tell him how you feel. You're going to feel like shit until you do. Or maybe even talk to Jeremy or Chris before doing anything🤷🏻‍♀️

OMG! CHRIS! I'll fill you guys in later! I have a phone call to make😂

⚪️Pearl Girl⚪️
Good luck baby girl💋💋

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