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"Be safe please and text me when you get there," Sebastian said to me as I was on the phone with him while loading my car. He's currently at a Comic-Con and then he's going to fly out to Maine at the end of the weekend.

"Don't worry I will. I should probably go now if I want to make it before dark," I said to him. We said our goodbyes and I got in the car. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and put on the playlist that Sebastian at made for my trip.
I'm four hours in and I'm super relaxed, but need to pee. I stopped at the first gas station I spotted and hurried inside to use the bathroom and then I bought sour patch kids so I didn't feel bad about using the bathroom.

"You're Bella Downey. My daughter loves your musics and your songs. Can I please get a picture with you," the clerk behind the counter asked as I sat my items down

"Of course," I said before posing with her. Once paying for my items I went back out to my car and checked my phone. I had a lot of missed calls from Galway, Gabbi, Billie, Kota, Chan, and Tate as well as texts. I decided to call Billie back before leaving.

"Oh my gosh have you seen the pictures," she asked as soon as she answered.

"What pictures are you talking about Whils," I asked in her complete confusion. I heard her let out a grunt of frustration followed by more noises.

"Okay check your texts. I just sent them to you," she said. I put my phone on speaker and went to our text threads and my heart dropped. There was one picture of Seb walking hand in hand with his ex and the other was of them kissing and you could tell it was recent. Of course, this is my fault. I let my self fall too fast and too hard and didn't think about real life. For almost the whole time we've dated we've been together so of course he'd be annoyed by me.

"Billie, I...uh I um have to go," I said hanging up the phone and tossing it into the seat next to me. At this point I'm upset, but currently trying to numb the pain until I get to the house in Maine so I can break down. That's the best part of it all I have a week to complete break down before anyone else gets there. Once the others are there it'll be fake smiles and laughs. After taking a couple of deep breaths and changing it to my pick me up playlist I began to drive again.

My phone didn't stop ringing the rest of the way to Maine. If it wasn't Billie it was my dad. If it wasn't my dad it was Jeremy. If it wasn't Jeremy it was somebody else, the only person who hasn't called is Sebastian and that's what hurts the most. I finally got to the house at nine that night and it's already dark out. I parked the car in the driveway and went to the flower pot where I was told the keys would be. I then went back to the car to get the bedding I bought for my bed along with my suitcase. I went inside locked the door behind me and got the room with the best view of the water.

"Get it together Downey," I whispered to myself as I made my bed for the night. Once it was made I laid down in bed and looked at the pictures again. I don't know if I was hoping for them to change since the last time I looked at them, or what but when I did the hurt was still there. The hurt would always be there. As I was about to lock my phone Tom Hiddleston's contact appeared on my phone. I took a deep breath and held it up to my ear.

"Hey Hiddleston," I said monotoned.

"Oh thank god. Everyone's worried, I know they look bad but maybe let him explain. There could possibly be an explanation for this," Tom rushed out most likely in fear of me hanging up on him before he had the chance to say it.

"What explanation could he have for cheating on me Tom? It's okay really though. I'm just the little girl who's been in love with him for years. I've known that he still loves her for a while. I've just been ignoring it," I said to him as I tried to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.

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