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"Let's move in together," Sebastian said as we laid in bed that night at the cabin. Not only are we having friendmas here, but for two weeks after that we're helping Ed and Galway wedding plan. Things with Sebastian and I are great.

"Are you sure you want to live with me," I asked turning to look at him.

"I've never been more sure about anything. I'll even move in with you if that makes it easier. I don't care where we love really as long as I'm with you," he said smiling down at me and I get my own smile grow.

"Okay looks like when we get back we're moving in together. I can move in with you because you have the bigger apartment and my lease is up anyways," I said to him and he laughed while rolling his eyes.

"Let me guess. You've also been putting off looking up for somewhere else to love as well," and I nodded my head sheepishly as he continued to laugh at me. I couldn't help but laugh along with him because I am truly the procrastinator in this relationship, "Well it's a good think I love you so much,"

"It really is," I said looking at him seriously before cuddling into him.
"Good morning love birds! You need to get up because we all have the breakfast with Billie today and I know how long Bells is going to need to mentally prep for this," Gabbi said the next morning after opening the door. She's right I'm going to need all the mental strength to figure out what happened between Billie and all of us.

"Thanks Gabs," I said sitting up and she nodded her head before leaving and closing the door behind her. Sebastian moved so he head was laying in my lap and he stared at me.

"You know I can see up your nose and there isn't a bugger," he said and I gave him my "wtf" look and he laughed, "Just trying to get a laugh out of you. Today is going to be fine because you have all of us. I'll be right next to you holding your hand," he said and I nodded my head.

"I have to pee. You have to move," I said bluntly and he moved his head so I could get up. What exactly does someone say to a person who's their god-sister and was their best friend after a month or so of not talking. We can't just pick up where we left off, that's not an option. As I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror and all the color was drained from my face.

"You're going to be okay Downey. It'll work out," I said to myself while drying my hands. When I walked out Sebastian had laid out his outfit on the bed and the bed was actually made.

"Can I wear one of your shirts," I asked him and he nodded his head. I went over to the drawer where he put his shirts. I picked out his 'Straight OuttaRomania' shirt. I then picked out a pair of my jeans and a cardigan. I just got undressed in the room and then got dressed. I tucked the shirt into my jeans and put my cardigan on. When I turned around Sebastian was dressed as well.

"But you're not straight outta Romania," he said and I just shrugged and picked slid on my boots. When I was done I picked up my phone and purse and headed downstairs.

"Ready," Tate asked looking around the room and we nodded our heads. The nine of us headed out the the three cars we had and spilt up. Sebastian and I were in bour car alone. We were the first two to arrive to the restaurant and we got a table.

"Do you think she's going to try and makeup with us," Channing asked looking at Tate and he shrugged.

"I wish I knew. She hasn't even spoken to me since then as well. I'm as nervous as the rest of you," he said and my fidgeting began and my leg started moving. I was looking down imagining how this could end horribly for all of them. If I had to forgo my relationship with Billie for the others to be friends with her or have some kind of relationship with her, I would.

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