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My Dweeb😍😘💍
Let's see how many magazines and online posts state that we've broken up and that your marrying Harry Styles🙄 Now that's fake news!

My Dork😩🤤
Is it though?

My Dweeb😍😘💍
I can make it a reality if you want me to...

My Dork😩🤤
I'm kidding Sebba. You know you're the only man that I want😘

My Dweeb😍😘💍
But he's closer to your age. I'm sure you'll be able to connect better with him anyways.

My Dork😩🤤
You know I could care less about age. You're the closest person to my heart and the person I connect best with. Where is this all coming from? Are you okay?

Are we okay?

My Dweeb😍😘💍
It's just I got a message from M and it was all about how she's better for me because we're closer in age. It just got me thinking. That's all🤷🏻‍♂️

My Dork😩🤤
Are you seriously about to break up with me through a text? What the hell Sebastian?

My Dweeb😍😘💍
I'm not breaking up with you. I just think we need a month break to rethink and regroup.

My Dork😩🤤
One text from her and the last six months don't matter? Our relationship doesn't matter? We've been apart 4 our of the six months of our relationship and you couldn't have used those to figure out what you wanted to do?

My Dweeb😍😘💍
Don't ever think that! Of course the last six months mattered to me and I love you so fucking much Trix! It's just I'm at the stage in life where I'm ready to settle down. You're young and I get it. I need you to be sure this is what you want.

My Dork😩🤤
I'm here telling you that this is what I want. You're who I want. I think it's you who needs to decide if this is what you want. You want a month break? Then you got it. I love you Sebba.

My Dweeb😍😘💍
I love you too Trixie O😘

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