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My Dweeb😍😘💍
You better focus before you get us both replaced in this wedding! I was planning on spending my night hitting on this one bridesmaid and trying to get a date with her🤤

Future Mrs.💍
I'm sorry! It's we've been staring at flowers for hours and we're all bored. I had an eye on a certain groomsmen, but sources tell me he's super arrogant and full of himself🤷🏻‍♀️ looks like we all don't get what we want!

My Dweeb😍😘💍
I'm sure I can put in a good word for you. ONLY if you help me get with the bride's best friend

Future Mrs.💍
Ohhh I wish I could, but Lucy and Gabbi are both taken🤷🏻‍♀️ Sorry about your luck boyo!

My Dweeb😍😘💍
But what about that Bellatrix girl? She looks pretty hot. She's the one I'm after.

Future Mrs.💍
She's has the worst boyfriend of them all! He's so protective of her, it's actually pretty cute to be honest. But then again it's creepy as well.

My Dweeb😍😘💍
I think I can take him

Future Mrs.💍
You probably can. He's an old man after all😉 but tbh he's a total DILF 🤤🤤😍😍

My Dweeb😍😘💍
We better stop before this conversation wakes up the Winter's Solider

Future Mrs.💍
I hate when you refer to your penis as the Winter's Solider😂😂😂 interview joke gone wayyyy too far it's weird if you think about it.

My Dweeb😍😘💍
Well what would you like to name it then?

Future Mrs.💍
NOTHING! Naming your penis is weird Sebba

My Dweeb😍😘💍
And naming your boobs isn't weird? Please explain this double standard to me Bellatrix😂

Future Mrs.💍
Leave Abigail and Harriet Terminator out of this Seb! They never asked to be brought into our argument and I'd like to keep it that way😘

My Dweeb😍😘💍
Why are you so weird?

Future Mrs.💍
Not really sure tbh🤷🏻‍♀️ You love me either way so does it really matter why?

My Dweeb😍😘💍
NOPE! I miss you so much. Mom told me you stopped by and had dinner with her and Anthony and that you ended up spending the night there!

Future Mrs.💍
Yeah, all my stuff is packed up in boxes or in storage for when you come back next week to help me move. So she's letting me stay with her. Tbh she's becoming my favorite Stan😜

My Dweeb😍😘💍
It's okay because Exton is my favorite Downey! I was going to say Avri, but she always stares me down whenever I cuddle with you. I think your sister is plotting my murder😂

Future Mrs.💍
Most definitely, she also has the help of my dad. I'm pretty sure it's already planned and that they're just waiting for the perfect moment  to put it into play. So watch your back💋

My Dweeb😍😘💍
Thanks for the heads up Trixie O. Means a lot😣

Future Mrs.💍
Oh no problem! That's what I'm here for and if I want to be here much longer I need to put my phone away. Galway just stormed out of the room after giving us all her death glare. I need the planning stage to end so we can do all the fun stuff ASAP! If I don't make it till next week to see you know that I love you forever Sebastian Stan. I also hope you never move on from me because I'm one of a kind and you'll never find anyone else like me😉😍😘💋

My Dweeb😍😘💍
1st. Don't get killed by your best friend. 2nd. How could I ever move on from someone as certifiably CRAZY as you?!? Seriously please tell me so that if she does end up killing you I'll be able to move on with my life. 3rd. I love you and i know you're one of a kind and all mine💋

Future Mrs.💍
FUCK OFF! I'm not crazy! 🖕🏻Loveeeee youuuu

My Dweeb😍😘💍
Like I said. Certifiably crazy🤷🏻‍♂️😘 love you

A/N: THANK YOU ALL FOR READING💕 I'm sad to say that we only have 14 chapters left with Sebastian and Bella🙃

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