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"I plan on getting so wasted I don't remember anything," I said to Channing as we headed to Indio's gig. The two is us have spend our birthday together for as long as I've known him, and even though all our friends were busy this year we didn't change a thing.

"Good thing Scott is paying and not me," he said taking a quick glance at me before looking back at the road. Every year since I turned twenty-one we alternated who was DD and who could get drunk. This year it's my turn to get drunk again.

"Shut up and drive," I said before laughing at my use of a song reference. Chan just rolled his eyes in response and continued to drive. It took us forty minutes to get there, but once we got to Bowery Ballroom, where he was performing, it took us an extra ten minutes to find parking.

"Shall we madam," Channing questioned holding his arm out to me as I stepped out of his car. I took a hold of his arm and wrapped mine around his and we headed to the entrance.

"This is a private event tonight. Names please," a tall man wearing glasses at the door asked. I looked up at Channing and he just shrugged before giving him our name. Who wears sunglasses in the evening? I'm genially so confused. I'm also confused about why Indio didn't mention that he was performing a private show tonight.

"Hello earth to Bella. We're on the list let's go in," Channing said pulling me away from my thoughts. I nodded my head and followed him in. We first stopped by the coast check to give them our coats I also gave them my clutch so I didn't have to hold onto it all night.

"I'm excited," I said as Channing took my hand in his and lead me down the long hallway to the ballroom where my brother will be performing. Channing let me open the door to the ballroom and that's when a big "Surprise" was yelled. In front of me were all of my friends, some of my MCU family, my dad and mom, Sebastian's mom was also there which confused me. As I took everything in I get Channing let go of my hand.

"Did you know about this," I asked turning around expecting to see Channing, but instead Sebastian was there.

"I told you I was going to hurry home," he said smiling down at me and I instantly hugged him. I missed the hell out of him. Of course I missed his cuddles, his calming touches, and his kiss, but I also missed sitting around one of our apartments just talking.

"I missed you so much," I said before standing on my tippy toes to give him a kiss.

"I missed you too, but we should probably go join the others before they steal you away from me," he said and I nodded my head backing away from him. I then took ahold of his hand and made my way over to my dad and Susan, aka the woman who I proudly call mom.

"I hope you know starting tomorrow we're staying with you until after Thanksgiving," my dad said as I let go of Seb's hand to give him a hug.

"Of course you are. Who's watching Exton and Avri," I asked going in to hug my mom.

"They're with Mariska for the night. We're going to get them tomorrow and we're taking them along with her three kids to the aquarium," my dad explained.

"Gotcha. Depending how I feel in the morning I might tag along," I said to them and they nodded their heads. I looked behind them and spotted Georgeta, Sebastian's mom, standing with his step-dad, Anthony. Ever since I've entered Sebastian's life, even when we were just friends, his mom was always to welcoming and caring towards me.

"I'm going to go say hi to Georgie," I said breaking away from the conversation my parents were having with Seb.

"I'll be over there in a minute," Sebastian said kissing my cheek before releasing me. As I made my way over I waved to a couple of people and made promises of pictures later.

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