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*Warning! Blood is talked about & miscarriage*

Robert's P.O.V
"You check the basement! I'll check her room," I ordered to Indio and he nodded his head. I made a mad dash up the stairs to her room. To say I was panicking is an understatement. I'm out of my freaking mind right now. I have no idea what's going on with me daughter or if she's okay.

"Bellatrix," I shouted as I ran down the hall to her room. I opened the door not caring that it slammed against the wall. I didn't get a response and I saw that her bathroom door was shut, "Please no," I said under my breath as I ran to the door. When I opened it I found her surrounded by blood and she was in tears with her phone in her hand.

"Daddy," she asked looking up at me with tears streaming down her face. It wasn't clear to me where the blood was coming from and that freaked me out the most.

"I'm right here baby girl. What did you do? I need to know so I can help you," I said squatting down.

"I...you can't help daddy. It's done," she said to me and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"What do you mean it's done? What did you do,"

"The baby. It's gone," she said and that's when it all connected.

"I'm going to call an ambulance. Everything is going to be okay baby girl. I promise," I said kissing her forehead before standing up to call 9-1-1.

"Dad she isn't," Indio started before he took in the sight of his sister. He instantly threw up and had to leave the room.

"911 what's your emergency,"

"I think my daughter had a miscarriage. There's a lot of blood. I don't know what to do," I said frantically pacing as I spoke. I gave them my address and they were on their way. I put my phone in her pocket and went back to her.

"How long have you known," I asked her.

"I've known for two months. I've been pregnant for four," she said as she continued to cry. I sat down next to her not caring that I was now sitting in her blood. I just cared about  comforting her and making sure she's okay, "I fucked up daddy," she cried clinging onto my arm and I just ran my hand through her hair hoping to calm her down.

"Dad they're here," Indio said with his back to us.

"Let them up," I shouted at him. He left and I let go of her, "You're going to be okay princess. I promise. I won't stop until I make sure you're okay," I said to her and she nodded her head. Soon three EMT crew members walked in with a stretcher and took her out. I went to follow her, but Indio stopped me.

"Change first and I'll go with her," he said and I nodded my head before running to my room. I quickly changed my clothes as they drive off. Once I was finally dressed I went to head downstairs but was stopped by a phone ringing in her room. I hurried and found her cellphone in the bathroom and Sebastian's name was on the screen.

"What the fuck did you do to my daughter Stan," I shouted as soon as I answered.

"Is she okay. Her last Instagram post was weird. Please tell me she's okay Robert," he pleaded with me and I let out a scoff. I'm so glad he's not standing in front of me right now because I'd have to kill him.

"No she's not okay! She just lost your fucking child and all because she's been trying to get the fuck over you. Don't call her again," I said before hanging up and running downstairs and out of the house to my car.

Sebastian's P.O.V
My child? What does Robert mean she lost my child? I'm positive that's something she wouldn't have kept from me. To me sure I instantly dialed Galway's number, but I was instantly sent to voicemail. I tried the rest of her friends only to receive the same result. I had to try Ed and Hope and pray that he answered.

"What do you want Sebastian? Now isn't really a good time. We have a flight to catch," Ex said upon answering the phone.

"Did you know Trixie was pregnant," I snapped.

"No. Wait! Bella's pregnant," he asked and I sighed and hung up. I then thought of two people who she tells anything to and they would know if she was or not.

"Hey Lizzy its me," I said once she answered.

"Seb. Now isn't a good time," she said as I heard a car door being shut followed by another one.

"I need you to me honest with me Elizabeth. How long has Trix been pregnant," I demanded and I heard her sigh and a whispered fuck.

"Four almost five months Seb," she said quietly. I did the math and that means the beach house.

"Why didn't she tell me,"

"I don't know Seb. Like I said now isn't a good time. I have to go see her," she said before hanging up on me. I didn't receive a goodbye or anything. I was just met with the tone that meant someone hung up. I threw my phone at the wall and let out a scream before crumbling to the ground in tears.

"Sebastian," my mom asked walking out of her room and looking at me with concern.

"I have to go. I'll call you later. I love you," I said to her quickly in Romanian before picking up my phone and heading to my apartment. I have been staying with my mom because anytime I'm in my apartment I'm reminded of Trixie. I broke up with her not because I don't love her, god I love the hell out of her. I broke up with her because I know she deserves someone better for her, someone closer to her in age. She needed to experience her twenties and if she was with me she couldn't do it.

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