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Liked by lucyhale, kota_g, gabbi_p, and 1,972,915 others

bellalilly: It's our birthday and we have nothing planned. Someone please hit us up because all our friends are jerks who are busy with life🙄😂
👤: channyoaks
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galwaygirl: I told you both I'm free after 8 tonight, but your old ladies who like to be in at 8.🤷🏻‍♀️
belladowneyjr: Happy birthday you two beauties! Is Channing still single?
robertdowneyjr: Should've taken up our offer to visit you! So stubborn wonder where you get that from...🤪
the_dose_band: We have a performance tonight at 7:30. I'll text you all the info you should come sis💙
bellalilly: Why would I do that @the_dose_band I can stay home and drink apple in my pajamas and listen to your music😝
scottevans: I'm going to his gig tonight while I'm in NY. Come with me and I'll buy all your drinks tonight, my birthday present to you😘
bellalilly: Fine I'll be there @scottevans @the_dose_band. I hate you all, but okay. Also no alcohol for me tonight😂
imsebastianstan: Have fun dork😝

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