Chapter 3: Mullet

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Keith was tired of life. It had been barely a month into his second year at Garrison, and it felt like the professors wanted to kill their students. Currently, he was sprawled on the couch in his dorm listening to Panic! At The Disco while Lance was watching the Emoji Movie. 

"Why are you even watching the Emoji Movie?" Keith asked Lance. 

"You have your ways of dealing with terrible times, I have mine." Lance replied, moving closer to the middle.

Keith shrugged and turned his gaze from Lance to the TV. "Do you want to watch something that is not the Emoji Movie?"

"Like what?" 

"Doctor Strange?"

"Hell yes."


After an hour and 55 minutes the movie ended with a sleeping Keith and an empty popcorn bowl.  It was 1 a.m and Lance could still not sleep, but it was a Friday, so he decided to stay up for a while longer. He took out his phone and started going through Instagram.

( A time skeeep)


Lance threw his pillow at the alarm, and heard it crash against the wall. Oops. He groaned and got of his be and went to the bathroom an brushed his teeth. Lance walked outside to the kitchen and saw a note on the refrigerator. The note read: I'm out on a run, breakfast is in the refrigerator ;). He put the note down and opened the refrigerator and took out the pancakes. It actually looks edible. He sat at the very small dining table at looked at his phone, 7:30. I wonder when Keith's going to come back. As if it were magic, Keith walked through the door.

"Oh- hi, when did you wake up?" Keith asked as he put his phone on the table.

"Oh, like literally 5 minutes ago." Lance replied, stuffing a forkful of pancakes in his mouth. "Great pancakes by the way."

"Thanks" Keith said. "Uh, I'm going to go take a shower, save some pancakes for me."

"No promises, Mullet." said Lance as Keith walked away.

"I do not have a mullet!" shouted Keith indignantly from the bathroom.

354 words! 

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