Chapter 6: The Party

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"Keith! Keith, wake up!" Yelled a voice into Keith's ears. "Lance, do you have a death wish?" Keith asked, getting up.

"Nah, man. It ain't me!" Shouted Lance from a distance.

"Hey, keef!" Said a familiar voice. Pidge.

"Lance, what was one of the first things I told you, when you walked into this dorm?" Keith said through gritted teeth.

"Uh... To not let Pidge in?" Said Lance, walking into the room.

"...and what did you do?"

"Let Pidge in? First of all, isn't Pidge your friend? Second of all, I didn't let her in. She let her self in, and I couldn't say no, because she is a scary lady." Lance said indignantly.

"Yeah, well I have something to tell you." Said Pidge, sitting at the foot of the bottom bunk.

Keith slithered back under the blanket. "What is it..?" Said his muffled voice.

"There's a party..." Pidge said slowly.

"Pidge. No."

"Oh come on! You need to socialize. You can't be a edgy socially awkward human forever."

"Try me." Replied Keith from under the blanket.

Pidge rolled her eyes and pulled of his blanket. Keith hissed at her and threw his pillow in her direction. Suddenly, they heard a long slurp from across the room. "A party, eh? I happen to know a party."

"Yeah man, go with this creep!" Exclaimed Pidge.

"Hey!" Said Lance with a pout.

"You know what- Fine." Keith sighed. "When is it?"

"Oh, in an hour." Pidge replied, looking at her phone.

"Just an hour? I need to get ready!" Shouted Lance, putting his coffee on the desk and hurried into the bathroom.

"Well he's going to take forever to get ready." Keith snorted.

"Just come to my dorm, I'll help you get ready." Pidge said, already taking out things from Keith's closet.



"So... about Lance." Pidge said as she waited for Keith to come out of the bathroom.

"What about him?" Keith sighed.

"Is he straight?" Pidge asked.

"Do birds fly?" Keith asked back when an exasperated tone.

"Yes, and no...!" Pidge said.

"Well there's your answer." Keith said. "Okay I'm done." Pidge had picked out a maroon T-shirt, black jeans, and a black denim jacket.

"Took you long enough." Said Pidge getting up from her bed. "Now go get your boyfriend!"

"He's not my- nevermind. Aren't you coming?" Keith asked, putting on his converse.

"I am, just not right now. I need to get Hunk." Replied Pidge. "We'll meet you and Lance there."

"Okay, see you there!" Keith exited the room and walked back do his dorm.


"Lance, I swear to god, you have been in there for more than an hour!" Keith said knocking harshly on the bathroom door.

"I need to look perfect! I'm almost done anyway." Shouted Lance.

Keith rolled his eyes and tied up his hair with the hair tie around his wrist. He started texting Pidge.

SpaceGay: Did you get Hunk?

Pidgeon: I did, but we decided to go get coffee instead of going to the party, also Hunk fell.

SpaceGay: Oh, thats not good. Wait so you'r gonna leave me alone with Lance??

Pidgeon: you're* and yes.

Pidgeon: enjoy your date ;)

Spacegay: I hope you step on a lego.

Pidgeon: ;)

Keith sighed and turned off his phone. Deep breaths, you can kill Pidge later. I can consider this as bonding between Lance and I. He heard the door open and quickly turned around. "Finally! Okay let's go!" Keith exclaimed grabbing Lance by the arm and hurrying to his motorcycle. Apparently a girl named Allura was hosting it.

"Wait, dude. Where is you car?" Lance asked, looking around the nearly empty parking lot.

"Don't have one." Keith replied with a smirk.

"How are we-" Lance looked around and spotted the motorcycle Keith was heading to. "No way." He let go of Keith's hand.

"Yeah, and unless you want to be even more late to the party, I suggest you take this helmet and get on the bike.

Lance took the helmet cautiously and put it on "Don't go too fast." He said as he got on the bike behind Keith.

"No promises, Lance." Lance could hear Keith's smirk.

"I swear to god Keith-"

"Hold on!" Keith said, cutting off Lance.

Suddenly, Lance was screaming, and Keith was laughing. Lance closed his eyes and tightened his arms around Keith. When he did, he felt Keith flinch. "How far away is the party?" Lance yelled over the wind.

"Oh, uh- 20 minutes, 25 maybe?" Replied Keith.

"Great!" Lance exclaimed sarcastically.


Sorry for not updating in forever! (Also 600+ reads??)

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