Chapter Two

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You Win!*

Chara grinned as the dummy crumbled to dust before her, disappearing from view forever.

"Oh, oh no!" Toriel said, "The dummies are not for fighting! We do not want to hurt anyone, do we...?"

"Of course not," Chara said, smiling a fake smile plastered onto her face at the goat monster.

"Come now," Toriel said sweetly, leading her to another puzzle.

After a Froggits death, and the spikes, Chara reached a long corridor, or which Toriel ran off before apologizing.

Chara continued onwards, smashing a small spider under her shoe as she walked.

"You have done excellently thus far, my child," Toriel said, "But there was a reason for this exercise, innocent one."

Innocent, Chara chuckled in her mind, She couldn't be further from the truth.

"I have to go, please stay here until I return," The goat Mom said, rushing off to her house.

Chara shrugged before exiting the hallway, noticing the floating save diamond hovering above a pile of leaves.

Oh how she loved this ability to reset and save.

A Wimsun meekly floated up to her, the monster practically shaking under her intense gaze.



You win 2 exp and 2 gold!

Chara watched as the black and white faded back away into color, her sadistic grin spreading across her face.

"Thank you for the execution points," She giggled, looking at the other Wimsun in the room before she did the same thing to it as it's look alike.

She blew through a few more rooms before meeting a ghost named Napstablook. The once dead spirit of the first human twisted the knife in her hand as everything turned black and white, lunging at him as she pressed the fight button.



Chara watched as his health depleted half way down, waiting for his attack.

Really not feeling up to it now, sorry.

"Really?" She asked the ghost, who tried to shrug to the best of his ability.



His health was pretty low now, as he attacked her with his tears. She moved her red soul to avoid them with ease, before attacking once more.



His health dropped to it's end.

"Um... You do know... You can't kill a ghost... Right?" Napstablook said quietly, "We're sorta already dead, so... I lowered my H.P because I didn't want to be rude. Sorry...Oooooooooo."

And with that, he floated away.

You lost 1 exp.

"That little f*cker..." Chara mumbled, gripping the knife in her hand with anger as she crossed over the patch if red leaves, "I have to find someone else to give it back to me."

She crossed down the hallway into a small room with a sign and concern full of spiders, her red eyes twinkling with excitement.

It would have to do for the moment.

She brought up her brown sneaker before slamming it downwards onto a spider, listening to the little squeal-like-sound it made during the splat as it died. The other spiders seemed to understand what was going on, because they tried to scatter away from her, their little feet scampering towards the little holes in the walls they considered exits. However, the killer wouldn't let them get away, using her feet to stomp across many, many more of them, swiping her knife to cut down the spider web, knocking even more spiders to the mercy of her feet, in which she killed them.

You win two exp and 1 gold!

"That's better!" Chara said, lifting her head up as she cackled with laughter, murderous intentions looming within her booming laughter.

She then left the room and continued on with finding every monster she could, entering a fight with a knife and leaving with a pile of dust left behind. On thr floor in one of the rooms she fell into, the human had found a faded red ribbon, quickly claiming it as her own before she tied it around her head.

It didn't matter who this used to belong to, all that mattered was that it was hers now.

After some more walking, more fighting, more puzzles, more piles of dust, she finally reached the desired point of where the black and white box appeared, it said one thing.

But no one came.

One By One (COMPLETED)(A UnderTale Genocide Story)Where stories live. Discover now