Chapter Five

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"Look, I'll be straight forward with you," Sans said, making both Chara and Toriel stop and turn around.

He was still facing the treelind as he spoke, "My brother really would like to see a human... So, it'd really help, Y'know... If you kept pretending to be one."

And he walked off towards where he and the demon had first met.

"Sans?" Toriel asked in confusion, "He knows she isn't what she says she is... But how? He didn't see me die..."

Toriel felt so guilty as she watched the human approach Papyrus.

She had just watched Chara kill so many people. Not just a few, she had brutally murdered everyone she could find in cold blood, smiling that grin as she did so. Toriel couldn't believe she had even tooken in,a dn raised this child as her own after witnessing this. By now, everyone in Snowdon had fled or had been murdered, leaving onky the two skeletons.

Toriel could tell Sans and Papyrus were close, especially how Sans cared so much for his little brother. After watching them mess around with puzzles for a little bit, she grew to like them even more then she did, and she knew Chara was going to kill the youngest as she approached. Sans was nowhere in sight, but she knew there was something off about him. He definitly knows something is going on, unfortunately, Chara knew as well. She was constantly keeping and eye on him, and him keeping his eye sockets on her. Toriel was glad he was being catious, especially when he threatened the human by the bridge.

Toriel had decided to make it her job to explain to all of the monsters what had happened when they turned into spitit form, so she followed Chara around in order to do that. She also asked them if they knew anyone who could contact the dead, like a medium, but so far, no one knew anyone with that ability.

"No, Papyrus, run away!" Toriel cried out as Chara grew close.

Chara had already grown in her LOVE level, already to the number 8.

"Halt, human!" Papyrus said.

However, she didn't halt, instead took a few more steps while grinning at him.

"I, the great Papyrus, have a few things to say!" He said, "First off, you're a fricken weirdo! Not only do you not like puzzles, but thr way you walk from place to olace, and they way your hands are always covered in dusty powder and ketchup!"

"Please, Papyrus!" Toriel begged him, "Don't fight her! You have a loving brother, don't face her!"

"So?" The demon asked, tilting her head.

"It feels... Like your life is going down a dangerous path," The tall skeleton said, "However, I, the great Papyrus, see potential in you! Nyeh heh heh heh!"

Chara took a few steps forward to try and taunt him, making Toriel gasp fron utter fear.

What MONSTER had she once loved?

"But worry not, for I, the Great Papyrus, will gladly be your friend and tutor! I will turn your life right around!"

A few more steps, and she was closer.

"I see that you are approaching! Are you offering me a hug of acceptance? Wowie, my lessons are already working! I, the great Papyrus, accept you with open arms!"

Toriel could only watch as they faded to black and white, watching as the hand undoubtedly reached straight for the fight button.



HP: 0

"No!" Toriel screamed as Papyrus was hit, his HP plummeting to 0, just as hers had.

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