Chapter Three

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Chara let her hand hang limp next to her arm after she saved, staring at the glowing star in front of the fake home replica.

She never actually thought she'd be able to stand here, in a body, once more. When she died, she thought it was the end.

She had to thank Frisk for giving the once deceased girl a body to be able to preform these horrid actions she has wanted to for years.

She walked inside of the house and went straight to where Toriel was, grabbing her hand as Toriel led the child to her room.

"Here's a room of your own!" Toriel said, ruffling up her hair, like she used to before the incident, "I hope you like it."

"I do, thank you Miss!" Chara spoke in a high pitched, fake voice, grinning that fake grin Toriel couldn't see though.

"I have to go do something, you can get settled in," Toriel said, patting the brown haired child on the head before heading off down the hallway, presumably to the kitchen.

"Ugh, she's gone now," Chara mumbled in her real voice, straightening her hair before walking inside of the room and heading straight to the bed, "I was starting to get sick of her treating me like a child. I may look young, but I'm over 100 years old."

She then sat down onto the bed, brushing off some dust on her sweater her Mom had failed to notice before laying down unfer the blanket, slumber quickly engulfing her.

If only Toriel had noticed, she might've been able to save her own life.


Chara placed the pie into her inventory before exiting 'her' room, quickly placing the fake smile onto her face as she walked into the living room.

It wasn't technically her room, it was intended for Frisk, not for the demon possessing her body.

"Hi!" She said happily.

"Oh, up already, I see," Toriel said.

"What are you reading?" Chara asked her Mother, leaning over the chair arm to look at the book.

"A book of snail facts," Toriel said happily, "You know, I'm really happy you're here. Oh, did you want something?"

Chara nodded, pretending to look sad when she asked, "When can I go home?"

"What... Home..." Toriel asked her, looking upset, "This IS your home now, child. Would you like to know about this book I'm reading? It's called the 72 uses of snails. Sould you like to hear a fact?"

"How can I exit the ruins?" Chara persisted, waiting for any moment for the black and white box to summon.

She wanted to hurry up and kill Toriel.

"I will be right back," Toriel said, looking troubled, "Please wait here."

Toriel set he book down to the side, a cold look on her face as she strided out of the room. Chara disobeye her requests once more, following her into the basement before she caught up with her.

"Everyone who comes down here meets the same fate," Toriel said when she heard the footsteps of Chara approaching her from behind, "They fall, they leave, they die. I have seen it countless times. If you leave the ruins, Asgore will kill you. Go back to your room."

Toriel then continued forward, Chara, persistent, following quickly behind her as they reached the doors.

"I will not let you leave the ruins," Toriel said as everthing faded into black and white.

Toriel blocks the doorway!



HP: 0

Toriel stared in disbelief at her wound, watching the blood leak from it before she look up at the child she had trusted.

"Y... you really hate me that much?" She asked, wear enveloping her once gentle eyes.

Chara nodded, her sadistic grin peeling at the corners of her lips as Toriel stood there, petrified.

"Yes I do, Mother," Chara spat out in her real voice, making the Monster flinch.

"Now I see who I was protecting by keeping you here," She said, closing her eyes with defeat, "Not you, but them... ha... ha..."

She laughed sadly as her body slowly turned to dust, tears silling from her eyes as she accepted her death by her once loving and caring child.

And with that, her soul split in half before exploding.

However, Toriels mind was not dead.

She opened her eyes, looking around in confusion. After all, she was pretty sure she just died. She was hovering above her dust pile, her body see through. Around her were all of the other monsters and spiders that were killed by her nce dead daughter. Wimsuns, Froggets, you name it.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Frogget! (You died, and you're a spirit now. We can only watch everything without interfering. We already tried, the living can't see us.)" One of the frogs explained.

"Oh my," Toriel sighed, "I am so sorry to you all, I should have let that Flower kill her. None of you woud have perished."

"Froggit! (It is not your fault, keeper of the ruins.)" Another frog monster said, "Froggit! (After all, none of us saw her returning to life once more)."

"Yes, I understand," She said, "I am upset with myself, however. I was once a queen, but my child has taken me down wth a single strike."

"You shouldn't be worried about that," A spiders soft voice spoke up, "Because she's going to kill every other monster in the underground."

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