Chapter Four

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Chara stared at the Flower bouncing back in forth in front of her in a bored expression. The other monsters spirits floated around them, watching with different expressions. Toriels, however, was the only one who was sad.

"What do you want?" She huffed, rather annoyed that she wasn't killing at that moment.

"I see now," Flowey giggled in his high pitched voice, "You aren't really human, aren't you? No, you're dead inside, just like me! In fact... you're Chara, right?"

"Yeah, so what's it to you?" Chara growled as Toriel sighed.

"So we're still inseperable after all these years!" Flowey giggled, "

"She was once my child," The Mother said, "But now she has too much LOVE to be a part of my family. Why does fate hate me? All of my family gains LOVE and turns to sin."

"Froggit! (It's not your fault, you're family has just become delusional by LOVE.)" A Froggit comforted her, patting her back.

"Listen, Chara," The golden flower said, gaining back the attention of the hovering souls, "I have a plan to become powerful, even more powerful then you and you're stolen soul."

"So she stole that soul from that poor girl," Toriel observed.

"Let's destroy everything in this reteched world!" Flowey exclaimed, "Everyone, everything in these worthless memories... Let's turn them all to dust! That's a wonderful idea!"

And with that, he plunged underground.

Chara giggled to herself, whispering, "I like that idea."

"What have my children become?" Toriel said in horror as Chara left the ruins, quickly flying after her when she exited the room.

Chara looked inside of the bushes to her left, spotting the hidden camera within it.

"So someone's watching me then," The brown haired child spoke, backing away, "Stalker much."

"As if you're one to judge, Chara," Toriel spat the name with disgust before her eyes opened, realizing something, "Oh no, the person behind the door! She's going to kill him! And I made him promise not to!"

Toriel could only watch with worry as the human continued forward, stepping over a large stick carefully. Toriel was hovering a few feet behind Chara, trying to gulp down the nervousness she felt within her gut. She was the only Monster following Chara at this point, all of the other souls decided to stay behind in the ruins, unable to watch what else the child might do to the monster race. Toriel was also terrified to see her own child brutally murder everything, but she had to watch. Maybe she could even communicate to someone.


Both females turned to see the large stick, which was especially hard to snap, obliterated down the middle, completely snapped in half.

"Oh, this should get interesting," Chara giggled.

"Was that the man behind the door?" Toriel asked herself, "How does he possibly contain that much strength?"

Chara then continued forward, walking past two trees. And in the corner of their eyes, both Toriel and Chars spotted a person covered by shadows, who seemed to be following them.

Toriel floated over, glancing to see that there was no one there, only a single set of shoe prints on the ground. No tracks led to or from the prints, it was just as if someone had been standing there then vanished.

"How odd..." Toriel mumbled before she rejoined with Chara, keeping an ear out for a voice she could recognize.

Suddenly, Chara stopped on a bridge, turning around as she heard crunching snow. Toriel turned as well, both of them spotting the same male, cloaked in darkness, approaching her. He then stood behind her, sticking out a hand.

"Human." He simply said in a deep, demonic voice.

Chara put her hand into his before a loud fart loud was heard. Chara stared in annoyance at the hand while Toriel giggled with laughter. However, it was cut short when reality struck her once more, when she realized it was probably the man behind the door, standing in front of a murderer.

"No, turn away!" Toriel yelled at him, trying to grab him, but only phasing through his body, "Please, Monster, don't fight her! Please, can you hear me?"

Sadly for her, her warnings couldn't be heard by any living beings ears, so she could only watch the scene unfold.

"Hehe," The monster laughed in a much more recognizable voice for Toriel as the shadow cleared, revealing a short skeleton.

"So that's what he looks like," She said sadly.

"It's always funny!" Sans laughed before he stopped, looking awkwardly at the human who looked annoyed, "That's, uh, you're cue to laugh. Or to, uh, emote at all."

"That's a stupid prank," Chara said firmly, dropping her arm to the side.

"Geez, lady, you really know how to pick 'em," Sans muttered under his breath.

"I am so sorry!" Toriel apologized, her eyes watering, "Please, go back on your promise, I don't want you to protect the child! Kill them please!"

"Ok, that's fine," Sans shrugged, putting his hands into his pockets, "Everyone's got their own sense of humor. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton."

"So that's his name," Toriel said, "Sans, please don't be stupid like I was."

"Y'know, I'm supposed to be on the watch for humans right now," Dans shrugged, "But... Y'know, I don't really care about capturing anybody."

"That's good," Chara said, giving him a fake smile Toriel reconized.

"But my brother, though," The skeleton pointed out, "Is a human hunting finatic! Hey, actually, I think that's him over there. I have an idea, let's go through this gate thingy. Yeah, let's go right though. My brother made the bars too wide to stop any humans."

"Oh, thank you!" Chara said sweetly, making Toriels stomach churn with worry.

"No, save your brother Sans!" Toriel cried out.

But no one heard her.

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