Chapter Seven

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Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, and the Monster kid floated after Chara now. Toriel to try and help monsters, Papyrus to try and find his brother, Undyne to try and protect Alphys somehow, and Monster Kid to simply follow Undyne. They were all updated on everything, about the resets, about Chara being a demon possessing the human, everything. What was the point of hiding it, they were already dead after all.

"Undyne, I'm sorry," Monster Kid apologized to his role model.

"It's alright kiddo, if you had been able to grow up, I would've let you and Papyrus join the Royal Guard on the spot," Undyne said, punching his hsouler lightly, "Being able to face danger like that head on, trying to protect those who you love, that's a great trait every royal guards member should have. I'm proud of you both."

Monster Kid squealed with hopping up and down while Papyrus smiled to himself, before it fell.

"Do you think she'll kill Sans?" He asked, pulling at the edge of his costume.

"She might, she might not..." Toriel said, "It just depends if she magages to find him or not."

Chara appraoched where Mettaton stood, getting ready to attack the robot. He stood there in his NEO form, watching as she grew closer.

"I will not let you hurt my viewers!" He yelled, getting ready to fight her.



HP: 0

The four followers watched in surprise as the piece of metal fell to it's side after one hit, a suprised look spreading across his face.

"Gu-Guess you don't want to join my famclub, huh?" He muttered before he self destructed, pieces of metal and flames flying thorughout the room.

The spirits didn't bother moving, since it just phased right throught them, but Chara had to dodge, getting struck on her arm by a stray metal piece, bringing her health down by two.

"Tch, weakling," She muttered, rolling her eyes before squatting down next to his software, picking up some little device she stole from Alphy's lab before plugging it into a cord slot.

"What's the demon doing now?" Toriel asked, crouching down next to her and staring at the small screen.

"That's definitely something Alphys made," Undyne said, "I reconize it from her lab. She pointed it out when planning out places to evacuate everyone."

The device beeped for a few moments before coordinates popped up, flashing on the screen before a map was dragged onto the screen.

"So, that's where the lizard hid the monsters," Chara giggled, her mouth stretching into a grin.

"Don't you dare kill Alphys!" Undyne yelled, "Or else you're going to reset a lot more then just two times!"

"Yeah!" Monster Kid yelled, backing up her.

"She can't hear you, don't waste your voices," Toriel said softly.

"Well, time to have a little bit of fun," Chara said, heading off with her spirit followers close behind.

They simply floated behind her as she made her way back to Hotland, before going down a different route to the bunker place where people were evacuated to. The path was a puzzle of flowing lava, which wasn't usually activated due to how dangerous it was, but with the threat of the human, Alphys had activated it. She didn't want them getting through.

Unfortunately, Chara did after, easily faking her voice for a Monster child in order to trick them to open the vault doors, which held most of the rest of the Monster population inside of it.

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