Chapter Ten

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Game Over



"The f*cking H*ll?" Chara cursed, staring in disbelief at the shattered soul.

All of the spirits were shocked at what they had just witnessed. Sans, who they thought was the weakest monster underground, had killed her with five seconds. Not even Undyne or Asgore had done that!

"How did Sans..." Asgore asked.

"He must've caught her off guard," Undyne tried to figure out, "He probably caught her off guard."

"Yeah..." Toriel whispered, "He isn't that powerful, and his LOVE is still at one, so he just caught her off guard."

"I don't want to see him die..." Papyrus sobbed, causing Undyne to give him a supportive hug.

"T-That makes sense," Alphys stuttered as the possessed human pressed the continue button.

Once again, she walked up to Sans, who was wearing his usual grin as he watched her approach.

"Sans," She greeted, getting ready to hear the same thing from last time, the same as the spirits.

"Heya," He said, tilting his head, "You look frustrated about something."

"He's s-saying something d-different from l-last time..." Alphys said in confusion.

"What?" Chara spat out, obviously even more confused.

"Guess I'm pretty good at my job, huh?" Sans asked before everything faded to black and white, "Let's do this."

Chara was ready for the bone attack, swiftly dodging most of them, but hitting only a few, because they were going way too fast for her to keep up with. She was grinning, think that his attack was over.

Oh, but it was far from it.

That's when the Gaster Blasters came into play.

Chara was getting ready to press the fight option, but was caught off guard when a few animal skulls started to hover around her.

"What are those?" Both Chara and all the spirits asked at the same time.

Their jaws opened as beams charged within them, before those beams shot directly at her.

She was disintegrated immeadiatly.

Game Over



"How is that d*m Comedian so strong?" Chara yelled, slamminging her fists into the continue button.

"I'm so confused..." Asgore said, "Those attacks are easily more strong then Undyne and I. How is Sans so powerful?"

"I don't care," Papyrus cried, "I just don't want to see him die!"

"None of us do, Papyrus," Toriel said comforting him, "We just don't understand how he has such low stats and such high power is all. Not to mention how he never revealed it to anyone."

"You have a look on your face," Sans said as she approached.

"Yeah, it's a face!" The demon yelled.

"No, it's a look of anger," He observed, "A look that you've died two times to me."

"You can tell how many times you've killed me by my face?"

"I guess so. Why don't we make it a third?"

Once again, black and white, and once again, he attacked.

"As I was saying," Sans said, "It's a nice day out, so why not relax instead of fighting?"

"I'm going to dance in your dust when I'm done with you!" Chara yelled.

You can feel your sins crawling on your back




"What?" The skeleton in the bkue hoodie asked her, "Do you think I'm just going to stand here and take it?

Sans then sent an attack of bones at her, going pretty darn fast and hard to avoid. Her health went down to 4, so she was forced to eat a cinnamon bunny instead of attacking.

He sent more bones, which killed her once more, making the demon scream in frustration.

How was he so difficult?

"You look pretty angry," Sans chuckled as Chara grew closer to start yet another battle, "Like I've killed you three times. Wanna make it four?"

"I wanna kill you!" Chara yelled as it went back to black and white once more.

Due to her anger blinding her, she didn't make it past the first attack.

Game Over



By this point she was slamming both her hands into the continue button before she full out sprinted towards Sans.

"Hmm... That expression..." Sans said, "That's the expression of of someone who's died quiece in a row."

"Quiece?" Chara asked.

"Quiece? Rice? Well, I won't have to say it again," Sans said as the battle box opened, "Here we go."

Chara made it a few turns further, each time healing herself before managing to actually attack.




"What, do you think I'm going to stand here and take it?" Sans asked, sending multiple gaster blasters at her.

Game Over



"How is Sans so powerful?" Undyne asked, watching as Chara walked up to Sans in a huff.

"I... I'm so lost..." Papyrus said, taking a short pause, "Sans has been so lazy... And he's got no training... How...?"

"Perhaps, sometime, we'll be able to talk to him again," Grillby shrugged.

"You want him to die?" Papyrus asked, tears filling his eye sockets.

"I didn't mean like that!" Grillby defended himself.

"How much has it been, five times now?" The sack of bones asked, "Convinent, huh? That's one for each finger! But soon, it won't be."

"I swear I will end you!" Chara declared as she turned black and white, "No matter how long it takes!"

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