Chapter Six

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Chara grinned down at the Monster Kid, who was standing in the black and white colored box, petrified with pure and utter fear. By now, only Papyrus and Toriel were following Chara, helping newly deceased monsters understand what had happened to them. Papyrus tried to stay with his brother, but when Sans had turned a corner, he suddenly vanished, as if he teleported, so Papyrus decided to go with Toriel. They got to know each other a bit, Papyrus telling the sock story and Toriel telling him about how she used to be Queen before the incident including her children. Then she explained how that was Chara possessing another females body, and how Flowey had Asriels memories due to Alphys.

"Please," Chara cackled, running the edge of the knife against her finger, drawing some blood up, "You and I both know you just wanted to look cool by facing me. So, now, you're going to look pretty dead."




Papyrus screeched with surprise as Chara and Toriel gasped. Undyne had leaped in front of the child, ensuring the hit, making her HP drop down to 1.

"Undyne!" Papyrus yelled, "You should've attacked, you're the only one who can stop her!"

"I'm... I'm not so sure," Toriel said quietly, watching as the Monster Kid ran off, "I've been watching her for a bit, and she seems to have the ability of 'saving' time points."

"Saving?" The deceased skeleton asked her, itching at his uncovered neck.

When he died, his scarf had fallen off, so it didn't dust away with the rest of his clothing. So, he didn't keep it after he died. Sans had taken it to god knows where, so he knew he wasn't going to get it back anytime soon, or probably at all.

"I'm not so sure, but when I was Queen, I sometimes helped the royal scientist with his work. He then told me about this ability called 'Resetting', where if someone had enough determination, they could affect time itself. I don't know much about it, but he said if something had enough determination, they could affect time," She said, watching Undyne and Chara, "I just think that Chara possessed the soul of someone who has that ability, since she keeps saying she has enough determination and she keeps touching air at random times."

"That sounds like an odd power," Papyrus said, "I'm not much of a Scientist, though."

"Neither am I," Toriel said, "That's why it's a random suggestion. We might be able to see it if we're spirits."

"Maybe, I hope that isn't true, though. I don't want to see any of my friends die."

"Heh, it's 'nothing'," Undyne whimpered as her legs started to dust away, "No, somehow, with just one hit..."

"Undyne, please don't go against your name!" Papyrus begged her.

"I'm... Already... Already... D*m it..." Undyne huffed. "Papyrus..."

"What?" Papyrus asked himself.

"We should try and be quiet," Toriel hushed him, "As much as it hurts to admit, we can't intervene with the living."

"Right..." Papyrus muttered.

"Alphys, Asgore..." Undyne continued, looking down in shame as more of her body glitched out, "Just like that, I've... I've failed you..."

"You've never failed me, Undyne!" Papyrus yelled, "You're so cool and-"

"Child," Toriel said, covering his teeth, "You can tell her that when she is dusted, which shouldn't be too long."

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