Chapter Eight

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Asgore felt so disappointed with himself.

First he had failed his daughter, then his son, then his wife, and now almost every monster in the underground. There was only three known monster survivors of the thing that had fell into their world. Sans, who had talked to him earlier, Asgore, obviously, and Flowey.

By now, Grillby, Papyrus, Toriel, Alphys, and Undyne were folliwng Chara, the burning hatred for her obvious by the constant glares they were always sending her. However, she didn't notice, since they were dead spirits simply floating by her to try and find any of the survivors.

Chara had her old necklace around her neck, and her features had completely turned to her old self. Her hair was darker and longer, her skin was pale and her clothes were the old ones, the green sweater and brown shorts.

She was completely Chara now.

The demon in the humans body was in her old house, walking from the kitchen to the living room as Flowey popped up.

He then talked to her about their old life, how they used to play there, how they had so much fun. It was a more sinister, twisted type of fun, but the golden Flower was heavily implying that they would be having even more fun there.

And that's when Asgore had walked in.

"Not even Asgore deserves this fate," Toriel mumbled, looking away,

"No one deserved this," Papyrus said quietly, "I still can't believe she's doing all of this. All those innocent people..."

"Think a-about it t-this w-way," Alphys stuttered, resting a hand on his shoulder, "She w-was like it f-for a long t-time, n-no one being able t-to hear h-her. It would d-drive a-anyone insane."

"I guess," Papyrus said sadly, "I just want to see Sans. I haven't seen him since he grabbed my scarf."

"Both of my dead children are here," Asgore said sadly, "And both of them want to kill everything I've tried to protect."

"Isn't this going to be fun, Dad?" Chara asked, giggling evily.

"There's no need to fight," Asgore pleaded as everything faded to black and white, "Why don't we settle this over a cup of tea?"

"The ONE time I want him to fight!" Toriel said in disbelief, throwing his hands into the air, "I can't believe this guy!"

"How about you die?" Chara cackled with laughter as she lunged at him with her knife, getting a clean cut across his chest.

HP: 0

"She killed him in ONE hit?" Undyne asked in disbelief.

"Her LV is so high..." Papyrus said sadly.

Asgore was on one knee has he held his wound in his hand, breathing heavily from the sudden pain inflicked upon him.

Before he could even do anything, white pellets surrounded him, making his eyes widen as they struck him.

And he dusted away as his soul shattered.

His spirit popped up above his dust pile as Flowey laughed uncomfortable, looking at Chara as he spoke with fear.

"S-See! I'm usefull!" He yelped when Chara approched him with that grin that could haunt anyones nightmares, if they saw it and lived to tell the tale, "Please don't kill me..."







And with that, Chara walked off with one monster left in mind.

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