baby daddy ch.20

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Jamie's POV

I arrived home and not ten minutes later Austin was there too. I sat on my bed as he came upstairs. We practically lived together, so there wasn't much we could do to keep away from each other.

"So why do you want to break up with me?" He asked. He grabbed me and held me like it was the last time he would ever be able to.

"I don't, but Kendra threatened to get an abortion if I didn't, but I have a plan." I explained the plan and he listened intently. The whole plan would take place over the next six months. It would be hard, but it was worth a shot.

After the seriousness wore down I decided to plan a fun night for the three of us as he played with Savannah. I went downstairs and into the backyard. I turned on the hose, but made sure the nozzle was set on off. Then I went to Savannah's baby pool, that she hasn't really used much yet, and dragged it over near the hose. I went back into the house and into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of flour. After I filled the pool with water I opened the bag of flour and left it sitting against the side of the house.

I went back upstairs and grabbed my bathing suit. I out it on and walked out and Austin's eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I grabbed Savannah from him and led them downstairs. I put her in her chair outside and dragged Austin over to the pool.

"No! no, what are you doing?" Austin said as I pushed him into the pool. I giggled as he landed with his arms and legs falling out the sides and his back on the bottom of the pool. I grabbed a bucket and poured water over his head. I remember when we had a mud fight a couple years ago. I laughed as I watched his hair get soaked and his shirt stick to his skin. I pulled him back out of the pool as he muttered. I went over to the flour and he held his hands up.

"No! No, come on, Jamie!" He said. He couldn't escape. I poured some of the flour over him and it was enough. His hair was changed to a powdery white and his face looked shocked and ghastly. It covered his shirt and I wiped some on his pants as well. When he smirked I became worried and then realized what he was going to do. I dropped the bag of flour and ran. He raced after me and caught me. He grabbed me from behind and then carried me bridal style, over to the pool.

"No!" I squealed as I was dropped from knee height into a pool of cold water and remnants of flour. I was colder because of the bikini I was wearing. Before I could get up he had the bag of flour and was smiling as he walked over. I tried to get out, but I only managed to sit up before the bag was dumped over my head.

"Ahh!" I screamed and giggled. He picked me up and held me. I held onto his shoulders and he kissed me. We kissed until we heard another shrill giggle come from Savannah. Austin walked over and put me down before picking her up and she put her hands on his face. He put his arm around me and I held Savannah's hand as we held her. She was smiling and playing with the flour on Austin's face. We heard a click and looked over at my mom with a camera. We all started laughing. While we took showers and got dressed for bed my mom took more pictures of now floured Savannah.

We took her back and went upstairs and both kneeled over the tub where she had the special bath time seat and gave her a bath. She was pretty tired afterwards so I rocked her to sleep and set her in the crib. I was ready to crawl into bed when I heard the bell ring. I went downstairs and opened the door, assuming mom was already in bed. No one was outside, but then I looked down. I screamed.



A/N: This wasn't a great way to end it, was it? Well you could try to guess what was there and why, but we will see how far you get.




I love my baby, but the BABY DADDY doesn’t know he’s a DAD!Where stories live. Discover now