Shoulder to Cry On

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Alison's POV

Everything in the moment seemed so screwed up. This couldn't get any worse. First, we found out some girl from Radley named Bethany was the girl they thought was me in the ground, and now the Cavanaugh's house just blew up.

But right when I thought it couldn't get any worse, that's when all the phone chimes went off. We all jumped. Even though we all knew what that meant.

Spencer pulled out her phone first, then Hanna, then Aria, then Emily. And lastly me.

I looked down at my phone, and felt like I was about to throw up.

Did you miss me? You know it's never over. -A

The tears were already rolling off my cheeks. I dropped to my knees on the cold, dark road. And just let it all out. I should've known this wasn't over. It never was.

The girls all stared down at me. Except Emily. She sat next to me. I didn't know what to do. What if I did something in front of everyone that Emily didn't like? I was too scared to hug her.

But I could already tell Em didn't care. She opened her arms, and moved over to embrace me. She wrapped both of her arms around me.

We stayed like that for a long time. With me just crying on her shoulder. I felt right when I was with Emily.

"Shhh. It's okay. We're gonna get through this... together." She told me.

I looked up at her. And she was looking down at me. It was at times like this, when I just wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her.

But the other girls were around. It was not something they would want to see. They think it's wierd enough that me and Emily hold hands.

Emily looked away before either of us could make a move. I think she felt the same way.

"Okay..." I responded.

I wouldn't let A ruin everything. Not again. This time, I wanted to fight back.

But not now. I was too emotional, and was still all embraced in Emily's arms.

I didn't even notice that we had been sitting here together for 5 minutes.

Emily stood up, and grabbed my hand to help me back up.

Spencer saw Toby come up behind her, and quickly embraced him and kissed him. I think we were all crying.

This was all too crazy to handle.

"Maybe everyone could crash at my place tonight." Emily said.

We all nodded. "That would be nice." I said in a scratchy voice. Any place where Em would be was fine by me.

After we went through the crowds, everyone was pretty much staring at us.

Hanna hugged the guy named Caleb goodbye. And Toby said he would walk us to Emily's house.

We all walked in silence. There wasn't much to say in a time like this.

We finally made it to Emily's front door.

Toby gave Emily a hug, and kissed Spencer. But Spencer didn't pull away from him.

"Bye, girls." He said.

"Bye." We responded.

After we told Emily's mom we were spending the night, we made our way upstairs.

I knew things were really bad right now. But I also remembered what Em said. We'll get through it... together.

First chapter of my new Emison fanfic! Gosh, words can't begin to explain how perfect they are! Thanks for reading :) Let me know what you think!

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