Morning Kisses

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The next morning I woke up to the feeling of Ali's hand in mine. It felt good. I can't believe we actually stayed holding hands the entire night. I guess we really did feel safe with each other.

I looked over at Ali peacefully sleeping. Gosh, she was so adorable when she slept. All I wanted to do was plant a trail of kisses down her back. But I didn't want to wake her.

I looked around the room, and saw that the other girls weren't in here. Where did they go? Did they go home? They couldn't have seen Ali and I holding hands. It was under the blanket.

I heard 3 low-pitched giggles. Like they were trying to be quiet. They all came in my room, and saw that I was awake.

"Well good morning, sleepy head." Hanna said.

"Mmmm. What time is it?" I groaned.

"Um... like 10 o'clock. You slept in. Gosh, what did you do all night?" Spencer responded.

I smiled a light smile. I know what I did last night. It involved kissing... not just with anyone. But with my love, Alison.

"Uh, the same thing you guys did. Sleep." I said.

They smiled at me.

Then Ali started moving next to me. I think she was waking up. "Mmm." She groaned.

Then she opened her eyes. "What.. are you guys looking at me for?"

I smiled at her. "What are you asking for?"

"I had a great sleep. I felt so safe. It felt like an angel was holding my hand."

Then she sneaked me a look. I blushed. Then I squeezed her hand underneath the blanket. She squeezed mine back.

"Okaaayyy. Well, we can't just stay here all day. We're already late for school." Aria spoke up.

"Ugh. School. Definition: something I'm not ready for." Ali said.

"Oh, cheer up. You'll have us there with you."
I told her.

She smiled. "I know, Em. I love knowing that."

"Well, in that case, you guys should get dressed." Spence said.

They left Ali and I in the room.. alone.

She instantly let go of my hand, and got on top of me. Then started kissing me. I laughed in between kisses. I kissed her back, and then turned her around to where I was on top of her.

"If you wanted to be be on top, why didn't you just say so?" She murmured.

I giggled. She then started kissing my neck. She made me weak with all her kisses. A good way kind of weak. Then she flipped me back over.

"You know I can't stand not being on top for long." She said.

We kissed each other for a long time. I didn't want to pull away, and neither did she.

"You want me to take off your clothes for you?" She asked me.

I blushed. "I don't know.. You tell me."

She smiled. Then tried to lift off my shirt, but a knock on the door interrupted her.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day! And we still have to get coffee!" Aria yelled.

Ali sighed. "Man..."

I kissed her while she wasn't paying any attention. She kissed back, and then I pulled away. Which was hard to do.

"As much as I want to stay here forever, we should probably get ready."

She groaned. "Yeah... I guess. But that doesn't mean we don't have later for this."

I smiled. "Of course."

We both stood up. I grabbed a pair of clothes from my closet. Would it be too wierd if we got undressed in front of each other?

Ali had already taken her shirt off. I tried hard not to stare. So I looked away.

I took off my tank top, too. And then my short pajama shorts. Which left me in just my bra and panties. I turned around to get my Tshirt and jeans from my bed, when I noticed Ali staring at me. She blushed and looked away.

Was Alison DiLaurentis staring at me? Not just staring at me. But... really staring at me. In that way. I couldn't believe it.

I put my shirt and jeans on. We finished changing at about the same time.

Then we both went to the bathroom to brush our teeth, fix our hair, and apply some make up.

She bumped her butt against mine. I giggled, and bumped her back. We pretty much went back and fourth on that. Then I accidentally missed with my mascara, and got some under my eye. "Ali!" I yelled.

"Oops!" She started laughing, and eventually I did too.

"Here, I'll get it." She insisted.

She took her thumb, and wiped off the mascara. Our faces were only inches apart.

I leaned in, and kissed her softly. Then she deepened the kiss. She pushed me against wall, but not too aggressive. It turned into a heated makeout session. She kissed my neck, and then moved some of my shirt over to expose my shoulder. She started kissing my shoulder then. Then traveled back up to my lips.

"Gosh, Em. You're so gorgeous! Most gorgeous girl I've ever seen." She told me.

Alison just called me gorgeous. This was officially the best day ever.

"Are you kidding? Alison, I've never been attracted to anyone the way I've been attracted to you." I responded.

She smiled, and then we started kissing again.

"Guys, COME ON!" Spencer shouted.

We both laughed as we moved away from each other.

They all rushed us out of the door. "Would you guys stop being so pushy?" I asked.

"Well, sorry. But graduation is in a couple months. And even if I have no college, I want to pass." Spencer said.

I sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

We all crowded up in Spencer's SUV. Ali and I sat in the very back. And we held hands the entire ride.

When we got out of the car, everyone was staring at us. Well, at Ali. They still stared.

"Don't worry, Ali. I'll keep you safe." I said.

She smiled at me. And I realized I actually meant it.


Emison feels ;) well, I just started posting these on Thursday I think. And I have 130 something views. Ahh, that's great! Thank you. I'll try to create as much romance & action as I can. Thanks for reading. Tell me what you think so far :)

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