Walk Away

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2 days later:

We were on the long way home from the trip. Which meant 2 hours on a plane with Ali and Paige. I hated Paige. I wanted to choke her. She ruined my relationship with Alison. With that stupid photo of us last year.

But at the same time, I felt like this was my fault. I should've just told her about Paige.

Ali didn't even want to sit next to me in the car on the way to the airport. This would suck.

Hanna sat next to me in the awkward silence. She scooted closer to talk to me. "Em, maybe you should just talk to her."

I have her a confusing look. "I thought you were mad about Ali and me."

"No... I'm not mad about you and Ali. I'm just mad that you didn't tell us. It would've been sort of wierd at first, but we would get used to it."

"I know... I just really, really love Alison, Han. I don't want to lose her, and I was afraid it would get too complicated if you guys found out." I said. But I knew she was right. I should've told them.

"Well.. I forgive you. But just don't do it again, okay? You can trust us with your life. We want you happy, and if Ali makes you happy then it's okay."

Tears were strolling down my face. "I'm so sorry, Hanna. Now it's all messed up and it's my fault."

She wrapped her arm around me. "No, it's not your fault. It'll be okay. I promise."

All the girls were staring at us, but none of them heard anything. Ali looked concerned at first, but then she just turned away like she didn't see me crying at all.

This would be a long way home.


Ali's POV

"Hey, Ali... All of us are going to get some coffee before the plane comes. You wanna come with?" Hanna asked me.

I through a glance at Emily. I didn't even want to be around her. How could she lie to me about Paige like that? I already had trust issues with everyone. I at least didn't want to have any with her. But it was too late.

"No, I'm fine." I answered.

I saw Emily roll her eyes.

I thought she was going to turn away with the girls, but she didn't. She stayed and sat beside me. Isn't this nice.

"Ali... can you please just talk to me?" She asked.

I just looked at her and turned away.

"Fine. If you don't wanna talk, then just listen. Paige is NOTHING to me, okay? I don't have any feelings for her. She always comes on to me, but I tell her to back off. You wanna know why I tell her to back off? Because I don't have feelings for her, I don't wanna be with her, and she doesn't have the key to any part of my heart. You have the key to my heart. I've always loved you, Alison. It's always been you. I didn't tell you about what Paige said because it doesn't mean anything. And I knew you would get all mad about it and probably punch her in the face, which now I honestly don't mind if you do. But I've waited my whole life for you, Ali... you make me the happiest person in the entire world. Please don't stay mad at me.."

Dammit, she was about to melt my heart. Maybe she did have a point. She moved closer to me and leaned her head in. I didn't stop her either. But the intercom went off loud, which made us both jump back.

"All passengers boarding flight 219 please make your way to the gate."

She sighed. I looked away. "Um, we should probably go."

She nodded. "Yeah.."

We both made our way to the gate. Spencer, Hanna, and Aria came up behind us. Paige just walked alone.

When I got on the plane, I picked the very back seat. Emily followed behind me, but she sat in the seat in front of mine. She moved her bags to both seats so Paige couldn't sit with her. I couldn't help but smile at that.

The lady that spoke over the intercom on the plane started talking about the weather back at home. I just zoned out.

Thank god the ride was only an hour in a half.


Emily's POV

I really regretted not sitting with Ali. I just figured she didn't want me sitting next to her. Even though we almost kissed right before the stupid intercom went off.

That was all I wanted. Was to kiss her and never let go. She was mine no matter how long she stayed mad at me.

We were about to land in 10 minutes. Paige was practically all the way across the plane. Good, I hope she gets the nerve to talk to me. Just so I can see how hard I smack her.

The plane started getting bumpy as it started going down. They said no one was to unbuckle their seatbelt's or get up. Screw the rules.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved back to sit with Ali.

"What the hell are you doing? They said you couldn't get up." She stated.

"Well, screw what they say. I can't take not being able to sit next to you."

She just looked at me. Almost looked like she was about to smile at me.

I grabbed her hand and yanked her closer to me. I took her face with my gentle hands. Then leaned forward again.

"Emily..." She called out my name with her Ali Sound.

"I want to kiss you so bad." I pleaded to her.

We both leaned in more. But the plane did another bump and it moved us away from each other.

I groaned. I guess all we could do was hold on tight. My hand was still in hers.

We hit a couple more bumps until the plane landed on the ground. After a few minutes, it came to a stop. We both unbuckled our seatbelt's and grabbed our bags.

Damn I wanted to kiss her so bad. Maybe I should just be patient.

We waited for a while until finally it was our turn to get off. All of us walked together.

Finally we were back in the airport.

"Well... I asked my dad to come pick me up. He said he wanted to." So I should get going." Ali said.

I put my head down. I had a feeling I wouldn't see Ali until Monday if she went now. And it was only Friday. I really couldn't wait that long.

But it was too late. She was already walking away.

Hanna gave me a look that said don't let her walk away from you.

I didn't want her to. Screw it. I was tired of what all my friends thought. The only person I wanted was Ali. She was the love of my life. And I wasn't about to let her walk away. Not now, not ever.

I threw my bags on the ground, and started running. All my friends and strangers looked at me funny. But I didn't stop. I just kept running.

I don't think I had ever ran so fast in my entire life.

Ali was straight ahead. My friends ran after me.

"Alison!" I called out.

She turned around. And I ran right to her kissing her hard. I kissed her so hard I think I knocked the wind out of her. She kissed back, not caring either. Her fists knotted in my hair. I knew my friends were watching. But it didn't stop me.

We didn't stop, just kept kissing.

Finally I pulled away. "I love you, Alison DiLaurentis. And I'm never walking away from you. Not ever."

She gave me a final kiss.

"I love you too, Emily Fields. I don't wanna lose you either."

We hugged each other. Hanna started cheering. Ali and I both laughed. My friends looked shocked, but they were smiling because they knew I was happy.

And right in the moment, I felt a fire burning inside me. It felt a lot like love.

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