Nervous Date Night

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Alison's POV

The bell for 7th period buzzed on the intercom. Yes! Only one more period to go. Then I could finally see Emily. We didn't have any classes together, which sucked. But I knew she wanted to see me.

It was still sorta wierd for me. I mean, just new territory. This whole gay thing. But Emily made me feel... she made me feel like no one had before. And I knew it was a good thing.

I quickly made my way out the door. And I nearly ran over Emily like a tractor. "Woah, there!" Em said.

"Emily!" I said excitedly. Then I wrapped both of my arms around her, and hugged her tight. I don't know what came over me. I guess I was just happy to see her.

She half-laughed at my sudden embrace. "Ali, people are staring."

I let go of her. What the hell was that supposed to mean? That she didn't want other people to see us hugging? Just because we hug, doesn't automatically make us a couple.

"What's so wrong with that? Who cares?" I asked.

"No, I didn't mean it like that! Trust me, that's not what I meant. It's just... we haven't really talked about how other people were supposed to see us, yet."

"Oh. Well, can we talk about it?" I asked.

"Well, not now. We only have 2 minutes till class." She responded.

"What about later? My house after school?" I suggested.

"Sure. That's fine."

Then she closed her locker, and walked off. What was that all about? Did I say something?

Oh well. I would deal with Em later.

Even though all of 8th period, I still couldn't stop thinking about her.


After school:

Emily's POV

I had never been so nervous my entire life. I guess that's why I acted the way I did. Never had I ever thought Ali would actually be... more than a friend to me. I still didn't know now. But the fact that she could be, gave me butterflies.

"Mom! I'm going to Ali's. I'll be back later." I called to my mom.

"Okay, honey. Give her a big hug for me." She responded.

"Oh, I will." I muttered to myself.

I decided to walk a couple minutes to get to Ali's house. Walking gave me more time to think.

What if Ali didn't want to be my girlfriend? What if she only wanted to be friends? Sure we shared a couple moments, but did they really mean something to her?


Alison's POV:

Emily would be here any moment. I set up a nice place for me and Em to eat. And I ordered takeout. What if she had already eaten?

And I kept rearranging the table that I set up. What was this? I was actually really nervous about her coming. Never had I ever gotten that affect from someone before. But Emily did it to me.

Then there was a knock. Oh god. I took a deep breath, and made my way to the front door.

I opened the door, and there was Emily. Looking beautiful like always. She had her hair straight, and had a nice tank top and jeans on.

She must've thought I looked good, too. She stared me up and down.

"Hey, Em." I said. I didn't sound nervous at all, but on the inside I was sweating.

"H-hey." She responded. She was definitely nervous.

I smiled to myself. At least I wasn't the only one.

"Well, come on in."

She came inside, and I lead her to the table set up in the dining room.

"Wow... you went all out. You didn't have to do this, Ali." She said.

"I wanted to." I responded.

She smiled to me, and we both took a seat.

"Okay, I ordered some takeout."

I handed her some food, but she was still smiling at me.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"You." She told me.

I blushed a little. "Well... about, um. Ya know, the whole hugging thing earlier."

"Look, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was making a bid deal about it. I wasn't. I'm just... confused I guess." Emily said.

"Me too." I responded.

The truth was, I knew what I wanted to say to Emily next. But it was like when I tried saying them, I got all choked up.

So I just started eating some food to calm myself down. We stayed in silence for a few minutes. Not saying anything.

"Okay, I can't take this anymore!" I confessed. "The truth is that I like you a lot. A lot, a lot. And I know I was a total bitch when I was younger. But I want to change. I want to change for myself, but more importantly I want to change for you. Because I love the way you look at me. I love the way you smile. I love everything about you. I've never confessed my feelings to you before, but now I want to. I want to because I love you, Emily Fields. I wanna say it every day because it's true. I love you, and-"

She interrupted me by planting a big kiss on my lips. I loved the feel of it. Because I loved her. I never really knew what love was before; but when I'm with Emily, it's like now I do. I kissed her hardly back, my hands knotting in her hair. She cupped my cheeks, and brought me even closer to her. We both stood up, and I pushed her against the wall. I kissed her neck, her cheeks, her nose, her lips.

She pulled away, out of breath. "Alison DiLaurentis, I love you so much, too. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled, and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Yes!"

We kissed some more before Emily went back home. Well, we kissed a lot more before Emily went home.

And all I knew was that I was taken. By the best girl in the whole wide world.

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