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Emily's POV

The next morning I woke up next to my beautiful girlfriend- the love of my life. I didn't know if I wanted to wake her considering we spent practically the whole night awake. Memories of last night flooded into my head. I don't think I'd ever forget the way she made me feel. Also at the same time, making herself so vulnerable to me.

I left a trail of kisses down her bare back, stopping at her waistline. Her sea-blue eyes fluttered open. She looked confused as to where she was at first. But then, as if remembering everything from last night, a big smile spread across her face.

She turned her body to where she was facing me, and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled at her.

"Good morning, gorgeous," I said.

"Good morning, love." She responded.

Unexpectedly, she leaned forward and planted a big kiss on my lips. God, I could practically kiss her all day. She made me so happy. Which is saying a lot, considering everything that has gone on in my life.

I kissed her back, pulling her waist closer to mine. Her hands cupped my cheeks, and in that moment I swear it felt like we would stay like this forever.

But eventually she pulled back.

"Last night was amazing. It was the best night of my entire life. I love you so much, Emily Fields."

I kissed her nose lightly. "You're the best. I love you so much more, Alison DiLaurentis."

We stayed in each other's arms for a little while longer, before a knock on our door scared us.

"Em, Ali.. it's time to get up, sleepy heads." Hanna said through the door.

Before either of us could stop her, the door opened widely.

Shit, I muttered under my breath.

Hanna's eyes sprung open when she saw us in bed together.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She screamed.

"Hanna, shut the hell up. Close the door, and we'll explain everything." I said to her.

She looked in shock, but finally she closed the door behind her.

"Okay.. explain. Since when have you two been doing the dirty?" She asked.

I shot her a glance. "Okay, we're not 'doing the dirty.' Well we are, but I mean that's not all we've been doing."

"Emily, I don't want to hear anything about your sex life!"

"No that's not what I meant! I mean... I love her, Hanna." I spoke.

"You love her? Emily, she faked her death for two years, and she never really loved you the first time you two got together."

"Okay, you're right. I did fake my death, and yes I did love Emily! I just didn't really know what the word love meant. Now I do, and I've changed a lot since then," Ali interrupted.

"How the hell do we know that? For all I know, you could just be playing her that way you'll have someone on your side to believe all the lies coming from your mouth."

"HANNA! Stop it right now. We all know there's a good reason why Ali lied. She had to protect us. And I thought we all agreed to trust her. Actually, you were the one who came up with that idea."

She rolled her eyes. "How long have you two been together? Huh? How long have you lied to all of us? I thought we were always supposed to be honest with each other... you were the one who came up with that idea, actually."

Then she opened the door and slammed it shut, before storming off.

"Hanna, wait!" I called after her.

I jumped out of the bed and put a shirt over my head. Then put my pajama shorts on.

"Ali, I have to talk to Hanna. I'm sorry about what she said. I'll talk to her and make it better."

"No, Emily. She's right. I understand why she'd think that. After all, I used you the first time."

"Yeah, but it's different now. She just doesn't see it. But I promise she will." I responded.

I kissed the top of her forehead, before heading to the door after my best friend.


Hey guys. I'm so so so sorry I haven't posted in like forever. I sorta lost inspiration for a while. But now I have more inspiration and will try to continue on with my story. Thank you to all who have stuck with me. You guys are the best. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. xx, Emily.

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