Must be love

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That night we all settled around the TV before bed. Me, Ali, Hanna, and Aria sat together on the couch. Toby and Spencer cuddled up on the Love Seat, and Paige sat by herself.

We were watching Gossip Girl. Toby wasn't really a fan, but he wanted to watch it so he could cuddle next to Spencer.

"Ugh, why can't Chuck Bass be single?" Aria asked.

"Woah there. Aren't you trying to work things with Ezra?" Hanna asked.

"I don't know... I mean I don't know if I want to. Guess we'll just have to see."

Man, talk about a complicated love. And I thought me and Ali's was complicated.

"Okay, well I don't know about anyone else. But I'm exhausted. Toby and I are meeting his Dad tomorrow. So I guess we should go to bed." Spencer said.

"Works for me." Toby responded.

She smiled. "Very funny."

"By the way, you won't be exhausted when we get in there." He said.

"Okaaaay. Gross! Save it for the bed!" Hanna spoke.

They both laughed, and said goodnight.

"Well, I'm tired too. But I can't go to sleep until you guys do. Sleeping on the couch, remember?"

"Oh. My. Gosh. Looks like we all have to go so Princess Paige can go to bed." Hanna said sarcastically.

I shot her a look.

"Sorry. Just tired too, I guess."

"Yeah, I'm tired too." Ali said.

I knew she was lying. She just wanted to be alone with me. I smiled at her for that.

Finally, we all decided to go to bed. Hanna and Aria said goodnight before heading in their room.

Ali and I went to our room to change into our pajamas.

I took of my shirt, and she stared at me from behind. She must've liked the view.

She did the same except slower. Ugh, she was such a tease! But god, she was hot.

I knew I forgot to say goodnight to Paige. So I had to go say it. I invited her, after all.

I walked out with blankets.

"Uh, it seems pretty cold out here. So I figured you would need these."

I handed them to her, and she smiled sweetly at me.

"Thanks, Em. And thank you for everything by the way. It means a lot that you invited me. That you care."

I smiled back. "Of course I care... as just friends."

It was easy to see the disappointment in her eyes. "Well, you invited me for a reason. I know you still have feelings for me, Em."

Great. Just what I needed. "No, Paige. I don't-"

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything." She interrupted.

I rolled my eyes. Who was she to tell me how I felt?

I decided to just walk away. I knew I shouldn't have invited her. She obviously couldn't get the idea that I didn't want a relationship with her. Because I already had a relationship. With my beautiful girlfriend.

I sat down on my bed. I couldn't tell Ali. She would probably attack her.

Speaking of Ali. She walked into our room from the bathroom.

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