Chapter 9

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After my discussing with Maddie and my pleas not to leave me alone with Jared she left me alone with him. Taking his friends to see Jaws in 3D.

"So how have you been?" I asked breaking the awkward silence we had been walking in.

"Uh good our friends back home miss you. But you probably already knew that."

"I didn't actually I have been trying to stay off my phone."

"Oh. Well that makes sense good for you."

"Uh so what brings you here?"

"Oh my cousins are renting a house here they are from Florida thats who those guys were."

"What are their names."

"Derek is the oldest then his twin brother Dolton and their little brother Daniel. Raised by their parents Dakota and Danielle Drew and have a dog named Darth Vader."

"Wow thats... Matchy."

"Our family is weird just think of mine you have my brothers Jack then my parents John and Judy."

"True haha."

"Want to get some ice cream?"

"Oo hella yeah."

Jared laughed and we walked into Buffy's. I knew exactly what I wanted. Two scoops of black raspberry ice cream with the electric pink sprinkles. We ordered and after a small argument Jared payed for them.

Sitting down at the bench behind buffys it brought back memories of why i choose it.

"So what have i missed in the perfect life of Ansley Collins?"

"Jackie shut it your the one living in a loft in New York."

"We both have spoiled lives I know."

"Haha so how is the boyfriend .. Jake?"

"Jack. Ugh we broke up dumped his sorry ass."

"What?! For what?"

"Cheating on my with my sister."

"Shit I'm sorry."

"it's cool."

"Please tell me she stopped dating him."

"Uh yeah Michaela did they are on their honeymoon as we speak."

"Your family is fucked up."

"Shut up! Your mom left you hasn't contacted you sense. Your godchild died of cancer and then her mom killed herself out of grievance. Forcing your family to adopt her other daughter. And your whole family lives under fake masks."

"Fine. We both are pretty fucked up."

"True shit."

"What would I do with out you?"


"I know you would. Dont worry kid I would take a bullet for you."

"I know. I have that affect on people."

I flipped my straightened hair over my shoulder and Jackie shoved at my arm.

Three years ago was the last time I ever heard from her. The fore sale sign on her Cape house went up and we never talked again. This is the table we always sat at because there was always hot guys sitting back here and we would join them. Jackie Hale was two years older than me but always acted as if I was her age. She lived here in Chatham I never got emailed back or texted not one single phone call from that family or her and I never questioned it.

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