Chapter 29

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Sam's POV

Mahogany sprung out of her chair running for the ocean along with us. John ran back for flashlights. We frantically searched through the ocean. A never ending blackness. Hopelessness ran through everyone as no one called out that they found her.

Chris was creaming out running across the beach towards the jetty I followed. A sense of helplessness washed over me when I just started screaming her name not knowing which way to look.

"Help!" Morley's voice rang out.

Chris frantically was screaming next. I ran on the rocks trying to catch up to where Chris was hunched over, flash light in his mouth.

"Morley get away from there." Someone called. Everyone was swimming towards the rocks even with the waves crashed up against them.

I slipped a few times hitting the large rocks hard. The algee covered rocks were pooling with water making it nearly imposible to have any sort of footing.

"Sam! Sam! Help me grab her!"

The scene was one I would never forget. Something out of a movie. A small body pounded against the rocks bloody and bruised. I was in shock as I reached for her. She wasn't in my arm length, so with out time to process I slipped off the top rocks onto sharper smaller ones.

Rocks pierced and scratched at my legs the shock and adrenaline kicking in. I grabbed for her torso pulling her towards me. I wave pushed my body back and audible crack was heard. I pulled her towards Chris who was reaching out as fast as he could. Other people were with us and someone took my arms and helped me back up.

"The meds are here they are coming up the beach now."

"Stay with me Ans." Chris pleas could be heard over the ocean swallowing back the rocks. "Some one help me carry her."

I didn't see them as my vision started to get some black spots in it and some one caught me as I stumbled.


A white light pulled me out from the darkness.

"Got him."

"Stay with us kid."

"Whats your name?"


"We are arriving now."

"Stay with us."

"we are moving him."

"I need wounds checked out now."

"CAT Scan."

"The girl is being flown to Childrens with major injury."

"Brother is now sedated."

"Okay lets move him by ambulance."

"In and out."






My body ached as I brought my hand to my face. Whiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Morning sleeping beauty."

I sat up quickly a beeping sound instantly starting. I looked down at my arms an IV connected to a tube running out of my arm. Different cords led under my shirt. Nurses and white coats came running in two nurses held me down as another pressed a needle into a place on the tube connected to my arm. After a few seconds I got more tired calming down my frantic movements and thoughts.

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