Chapter 10

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Wisps of my hair fell into my face stinging as they quickly hit me.

"Are we there yet?"

I turned back to my small son smiling

"Still a no."

My husband smiled from beside me and i laughed pulling my feet up to the seat closing my eyes i unbuckled the seatbelt digging into my side. I must have fallen asleep the jolt of the first twist of the car woke me up. His hand crushed my ribs trying to keep me in place the world spun slow motion of the first few tumbled then when the arm released quickly trying to hold me back again but it was too late i flew into the windshield it shattering around me. Blood was every where i tried crawling back towards him

"Nash? Nash. Nash!" I screamed till my vocal cords tore. There he was holding the small child in his arms smashed upside down in the car.

I blinked my eyes a few times as i woke up I felt my face tears streaming down it. Whipping them away I sat up taking in my surroundings my back cracking with the movement.

I had been propped upright and my pillow had left me. Mahogany was spread out beside me and Taylor was over my legs asleep. I slowly pulled them out from under him and stood up. Jack G and Hayes were also asleep in the room.

I turned so I could see the kitchen. Nobody was there either. I stretched and yawned pulling my arms over my head. I decided to leave the blanket I had brought and looked around for my phone. Seeing it on the counter I picked it up and headed out of the apartment.

I went back to my room and there was no sign of anyone. It was around 4:39 according to the clock on the oven. So I was surprised when my phone started to vibrate. The caller id popped up and it was Nash.

"Hello?" I whispered yawning again.

"Hey where are you?" He answered back in the same low voice.

"In my room."

"I want to show you something throw on gym clothes I will be in your kitchen in 10."

"Kay." I didn't argue to tired to comprehend anything.

I got dressed and put my sneakers on. I laid back onto my bed and closed my eyes drifting back off into sleep.

"Ansley hey wake up."


"Come on get up I need to show you something."

"Carry me." With out opening my eyes I put out my arms.

Nash carried me bridal style a few steps before putting me back on my feet.

"I want to sleep."

"No you don't come on walk forwards."

I obeyed holding his arm as he led me back into the elevator. I sat down closing my eyes again. And he grabbed my arms pulling me back to my feet.

"Come on Ans we are going to start running so we can get back there before sunrise."

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times rubbing them. I yawned and took in what was around me. We were back out side and it was cold. Nash started to jog making sure I was following every few steps looking back.

As we started jogging out of the parking lot and threw a path I started to wake up. We hit sand and he kept on going me at his side. We got to the long jetty. He jumped from rock to rock and I followed him slower. I knew where we were headed now. I was a ten minute walk out to the end of the jetty and the sky started to get lighter the wind warmed us.

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