Chapter 6

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A weight was on my chest making it hard for me to move. When I opened my eyes I regretted it. My hand shot to my head the hang over was bad. Shit I was going to puke. I threw my hand over my mouth falling out of bed ran into the bathroom.

I was sitting on the tiled floor my hair everywhere and my head in my hands.

Someone walked into the bathroom stopping at the door frame. Looking up it was Nash leaning again the door frame looking up made my head spin and I turned back on my knees hurling what was left in my stomach up. I felt a hand pull my hair back rubbing my back. I sat back on the floor my throat burning.

He stood back up grabbing the glass off the counter and handing it back to me with water in it. I drank it then threw that up to. This process repeated itself until my stomach accepted it.

"You good?"


"Okay lets go find our friends then."

"Good idea. Wait."I looked around the unfamiliar bathroom. "Where are we?"

"Gwen's house. You are a really big lightweight."Nash laughed.

"I know. Did we ...Uh.." I didnt know how to ask this. "You know. Do anything?"

"Have sex, do the vertical tango, have an 'encounter',fuck? Me with you nah. But you do sleep talk."

"Wait what?!"

"Stand up and do something with that hair it looks like you got attacked by a bird in your sleep."

"Ha.Ha. Your hilarious."

I stood up and looked in the mirror. MY GOD!

His bird comment was a compliment to the way I looked. My face looked like it was melting and black was smudged in the weirdest spots and my hair. My hair. It looked like a went through a tornado then brushed it with lightning.

I went digging through the draws in search of something to tame my hair with. I found an old elastic to work with I ran it through the sink washing it off I gathered my hair making a bun. Then washed off my face. Drying it I walked back into the bedroom to see Nash scrolling through my phone. I tried to take it but he would pull it away to fast causing to get frustrated.

"Wow someone was excited about our arrival. Haha your texts are cute."

"Hey!"I shouted grabbing for my phone.

"Whats up?"He said holding out of my reach.

"Oh you know the usual an asshole took my phone and is being nosy." I said putting my hands on my hips scrunching up my nose.

"Awe cupcake you are adorable when you compliment me."

"Whatever keep the phone for all I care I'm going to find my brother."

I walked around him and out of the room. He followed me out his eyes still glued to my phone. Cups cracked under my feet here and there as we got back to the main hallway I closed as many doors as I could hopping to loose NAsh but my efforts failed as he was still right behind me. After elven rooms not containing my brother I gave up on looking and just started yelling.




"My Lordy stop yelling your making my head ache worse." Maddie stumbled out of a random door and covered my mouth.

"Can you not." Natalie walked out of a random door followed by Taylor.

Natalie walked away swinging her hips so much I was waiting for them to break. Nash ran ahead of me high fiving Taylor and patting him on the back.

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