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Cathy's POV

I saw a smirking Allison and Lexie when I opened the tech room's door. What are these two thinking about me again?

"Hey." I greeted them while removing my mask. 

"Hey Cath." Allison greets.

I sat down on one sofa and opened twitter on my phone.

"You posted a picture of me and Shawn playing guitar?" I asked Alli.

"Actually, it was Lexie's idea." She answers and points to Lexie.

"What?" Lexie laughs.

"And you added the caption they're having a fun time?" I gestured air quotations. 

"Well you've been posting pictures of Shawn too. Like the first one where Shawn was eating his second bowl of cereal or the one where he was making a funny face at the camera. So I thought maybe add a picture of the two of you." Lexie said.

I shake my head at her. She's just making my blood boil, better not mind her.

"And I gotta admit, you guys are cute." Lexie said.

"Who?" I asked, making myself look dumb again.

"You and Shawn, gurl!" Lexie points at me.

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes and waved my hand at her.

"Oh, so are you telling us you're ok with us shipping with you with Mendes?" Allison asked. I stayed quiet.

"Cathy is caught, you are damn alright with this, aren't ya?" Lexie playfully pushes me. 

Lexie and Allison laughed while I let out a "haha funny". They stopped when Allison's phone started ringing.

"Shit, my dad is calling." She said but I know it's a lie. The reflection on her eyeglass does not show "Dad" instead I see F-B-I. The FBI is calling her.

Allison walked out of the room hurriedly. Me and Lexie looked at each other and shrugged. Al came back after 10 minutes, looks like she had a really long chat with the FBI. Wonder what she had been telling them for the past days.

Thinking about how many times the "FBI" called her, it was twice now. And twice means it's a coincidence.

I stayed at the tech room for about an hour until my phone became 10%. I said goodnight to the girls and went to my room. Along my way, Rufus came up and ran to me.

I kneel in front of him and scratch his ears. "Hey Rufus, why you out huh? Where's Jim?" I asked looking around the corridors.

"Rufus, there you are." Jim said as he rounded the corner. "Oh hey Cathy." He smiles.

"Hi. Where you guys going?" I ask, standing up.

"I'm just planning to take Rufus to the training grounds, wanna join?" Jim asks.

"Sure, I'll just charge my phone." Jim nodded so I quickly went to my room and charged my phone.

We walked to training grounds. Jim opened the lights and let Rufus run round the room. I sat on a bench and watched them play. I laughed when Rufus jumped on Jim causing them to fall to the ground.

Jim grabbed a ball and threw it to Rufus. Jim sat beside me then his dog brings back the ball, Jim throws it again.

"So how's your guard duty?" Jim asks.

"Kinda exhausting on the first day but it was fun." I answered.

"Yeah, Shawn seems like a fun guy." Jim says, throwing the ball again Rufus gave him. "But I did noticed that you and Shawn seems to get together. Just like what Lexie said, it's like you know each other back then."

"Maybe I just see him as Ken, like a brother." I answered nonchalantly but it made one question pop in my head. Why does everybody talk about me and Shawn?

We became quiet. Jim got tired of throwing the ball so Rufus rested between his feet, panting.

Jim started talking. "If you-"

Just then, someone knocks and we looked where it came from.

"Jim, dad's calling for us two." Daniel looks at me and made a face. "Am I interrupting something?" He asks, leaning on the door frame.

"No." I simply replied then stood up.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight." I said to the two guys. I heard them said goodnight back.

I headed back to my room. I checked on my phone. 32% and a lot of messages. All of it are from Shawn.

Unk: Why'd you leave early? :(

Are you ok?

Did i do something you don't like?

Why are you not answering? :*(


Sorry I don't have my phone earlier. I'm fine, you know that I can be emotionally fragile at times that's why I left. There was something that bothers me.

Shawn didn't reply back so I guess he was sleeping already. 

I changed into my pajamas and laid on the bed. I checked my phone one last time but there was no new notifications so I went to sleep.

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