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" marry me Jennie Kim? "

Jennie gasp as she cover her mouth, unable to believe what's happening right now. Taehyung, kneeling down in front of her, holding a ring in his hand, and asking her to marry him.

She couldn't bring any words that could describe on how's she feeling right now. Happy? Excited? Surprised? Instead of reacting, tears started streaming down her face. Tears of joy.

" Yes! I will marry you! " she said excitedly, still covering her mouth. Taehyung smile widely as he stood up. He gently held her hand as he slid the ring into her finger.

Jennie was still in tears, yet she couldn't stop smiling. She's just too happy. She's more than happy actually. They've been dating for 3 years now.

Jennie gave him a bear hug. A tight one, not too tight, yet comforting. Taehyung hug her back, smiling like a proud father behind her back. He had to gather up a lot of courage to propose to her. And after a few preparations, he finally get to do it.

Jennie wrap her hands around his neck and rest her forehead against his. " I love you my alien. " she whisper before he lean in and gave her a kiss. Their tongues having a tug of war inside. The kiss was long, until Jennie pull away to catch her breath.

" I love you too my Jen jen. " he whisper. She smile as she rest her head on his shoulder. He chuckle. " Good thing you agree in marrying me, I had to gather up a LOT of courage you know? "

She giggle. " Did you know I have a BIG obsession with aliens? " She said teasingly. Taehyung smirk down at her. " And now, I'm engaged to an alien." she added.

" Even aliens have feelings too. " he whine, defending his " to what he believes" culture. Jennie giggle. " and that's why I love you. "

" I love you too Jenjen. "

" Oof, what a day. " Taehyung sigh as he plop down into his bed. He stare up at his white ceiling. I should rest my eyes for a bit,he thought to himself. He shut his eyelid. He tried to rest, but he couldn't. Something was disturbing him.

He open his eyes back as he roll over. " Aish!! " he yell. He lift his hand to his sight as his gaze was fix onto the ring. He started smiling to himself like a idiot. I'm finally engaged to the love of my life. He smile to himself.

As he was thinking back about his proposal, that's when the door flung open and there stood Jeon Jungkook, his little brother.
" So, how did it go? " he ask as he sit at the end of the bed, his eyes not at him, but fixed at his phone. Taehyung turn to look at him with a annoyed expression, but he didn't had the energy to bark at him.

" Your proposal. How was it? " He ask again as he didn't get an answer from him. Taehyung started smiling like crazy. " it was heaven. " he mutter quietly as he start to re-think about his proposal.
But Jungkook heard him anyways as he had sharp ears. So he was able to hear a pin drop.

" someone's lovestruck. " he said sarcastically. Taehyung turn to look at him. His eyes on the phone and his fingers typing onto the keyboard. " When are you gonna get one? " he ask, still eyes on him. " I'm not into dating. "

" Hey! Give that back! " He yell as Taehyung snatch his phone away from him. " Seriously Kook, when are you gonna stop?! " he yell. Jungkook just roll his eyes.

" I said give it back! "

" You know you're gonna hurt them real bad! "

" it's none of your business! " he yell as he try to get his phone back. Taehyung distance his hand with his so he wouldn't be able to reach it.

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