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Hey guys! Author-nim in your area.

I know I said I'll upload more chapters AFTER I complete my story paper cranes.

But my motivation to continue with this story is high and I can't wait anymore. So, I'll focus with this story.

But that doesn't mean I won't focus on Paper Cranes as well.

Thanks for supporting my story!

{ At a Restaurant }

" Wahh You're married already! "

" I'm not yet married, I'm just engaged. " Jennie giggle at her 21 year old friend.

" But still, you're gonna get married!! " Lisa cheered that gain some of the people's attention because they turn they're head to face her.

Jennie let out a bitter smile as their attention was focus by the people in the restaurant. She bow her head to them, indicating a sign of apology. They then start doing what they want to do.

" You Pabo! Don't just yell like that! " Jennie smack her head. " Ahh! That's hurts..." she whine, rubbing her head.

" What does it feels like to get married? " She added, looking outside the window. Jennie follow her gaze as she look up at the sky. " It makes you feel happy, marrying the love of you life. " she smile to herself by the thought of it.

" It also makes you feel at ease, knowing someone's there that will protect you, adore you, cherish you, and love you endlessly. " she quickly added as she face Lisa.

Lisa look at the ring at Jennie's finger then look at her finger. She giggle to herself. " It does seems nice.. "

Jennie giggle too.

Lisa let out a heavy sigh as she rest her chin on both of her palm, her arm leaning against the table. " Do you think I could find my true love? " she ask suddenly which makes Jennie giggle again.

" You will Lisa, love has patience, your true love will show up at the right time. " Jennie assured her. Lisa smile at the thought of it.

" I just hope my true love is as kind of Taehyung, as hardworking as him, and as handsome as him too. " Lisa said giggling.

" Yeah me too, but do keep in mind that he already belongs to someone. " Jennie grin, emphasized the word belongs.

Lisa roll her eyes teasingly. " I'm sure my true love will be better than your Taehyung! " Lisa mock.

" Oh we'll see. " they both laugh.

They then enjoy their lunch together happily.

" Mr Jeon, how was your lunch? " The reception ask as Jungkook was on his way to his office.

" It was bad, you weren't on my menu. " he wink before entering the elevator. The last thing he sees was the girl fangirling before the elevator door shut close.

His office was at the 15th floor. The building consist of 30 floors. To kill boredom, he took out his phone as he went through messenger.

They were a lot of texts from a bunch of women that he had catfish. Most of them were 20-30 year old. He wouldn't stoop that low to go and catfish women who were 40 years above.

He let out a soft chuckle as he is scrolling down the chats.

Who should I catfish next? He thought to himself.

That's when the elevator stop at the 10th floor. The elevator door slide open revealing Taehyung talking on the phone.

" Yeah, I'll call you later. " he said through the phone as he firmly step into the elevator. The elevator door slide shut behind him as it carry on going to the 15th floor.

He hung up the phone as he took a glance at his phone. He soon smile as he received a text from his fiancee.

My human 👅💍

My human 👅💍: Hi Tae, could you tell my alien that I miss him so much, thanks :)

Taehyung giggle as he started typing down. Little did he know, Jungkook was glaring at his back. But Taehyung was too busy that he didn't notice.


They arrive at the 15th floor as the elevator door slide open. Taehyung slid his phone at his side pocket before walking out of the elevator, Jungkook following behind.

Jungkook's and Taehyung's office were at the same floor. And they're office are just next to each other. Not by coincidence, but because their father purposely put it that way.

Along the way, Taehyung was greeted by a bunch of employees that were passing by, as he was highly respect by everyone. Jungkook was also greeted by some of the employees too. But he was only respected because of his father and brother.

They then finally arrive at their office. Taehyung's office was first then followed by Jungkook.

As Jungkook was about to enter his room, Taehyung greeted him.

" Hey Kook! " Taehyung greeted with a smile. Jungkook wanted to slap that smile off his face. He believes that smile resemble the smile of a devil snickering.

" Hey Tae. " he put on his best smile before entering his office. Taehyung feels satisfied that he's in good terms with Jungkook now.

He then went in his office.

" My true love... " Lisa mutter as she look up into the clouds. Lisa has been single for 21 years now. During the school years, she never really cared about love and just focus on her studies and friendship.

And now that her friend Jennie is engaged, the thoughts about love started swirling around in her head.

Where can I get a guy like how Jennie Unnie got Taehyung?..., she thought to herself.


Lisa turn her head to face her friend who was driving the car.

" Jennie I never met Taehyung before. "

" when can I meet him? " Lisa ask. It's true she's never met him before. She only know his name but not his face which makes Lisa feel curious about him more.

" Oh yeah, you've never met him before.. " Jennie mutter, her eyes on the road. " Don't worry, I promise you'll be able to meet him later. " Jennie said.

" Promise."

" mmm. " she nodded her head.

Lisa then look back at the sky.

He must be really handsome...

The thought of this is just making me jealous..

Lisa sulk as she lean deeper into the carseat.

Being single sucks :(

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