[ 21 ]

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" Lisa you wouldn't believe what just happened-

Lisa? " Jungkook stop his track as he found the room empty. " Lisa? " his voice fill up the room. He took a glance at his wrist watch.

It's not yet lunch break..

He shrugged his shoulders as he walked up to his desk and plopped down on his comfortable chair.

He took his phone that was on his desk. He roll his eyes as he saw text messages from her.

" What does she wants now? "he mutter as he reads her text messages.

She keeps bothering me..

He let out heavy sigh as he got up and head for the door.

I'll explain everything to her.

" Lisa, what are you doing here?" she ask as she got up to face her.

" I... Was taking a stroll in Han River. W-what about you? " she ask nervously.

Eunha's corner lips bend upwards.
" Just watching the Han River. " she mutter.

" You look fancy, we're you from work or something?.. " Eunha ask as she examine her from head to toe. Lisa nodded firmly.

" oooooh, let me guess.
You're working in a company?! " she exclaimed excitedly.

" Something like that. " she smile weakly. She didn't expect to see that the girl turned out to be Eunha, her ex best friend.


" I think I like him. " she shyly confessed. Lisa's eyes widen as she squeal.

" No way! "

" Way! "

" you like kunpimook-mmf! "she stop when Eunha covered her mouth.

" Don't be loud will you? " she hiss before moving her palm away.

Lisa turn to smile at her best friend, " Alright, I won't tell anyone! "


" I forgot my book, I'm gonna go and get it back. " she said as Lisa nodded. She ran back up to her class as she grab her book. " gotcha. " she smile.

" Let's go-" she stop her track as she saw him, talking to her.


They both were smiling and laughing.

Her hand balled up into a fist.

H-how could she?

Kun is mine!

<end of flashback>

" wow, it's been such a long time hasn't it? " she said. Lisa nodded.

" it has.. "

" Actually Lis, I think I'm a mess.. " she said which made her look at her worried.

" I met this guy online, and we immediately started dating for months." she said her voice breaking.

When we were about to reach 1 year of dating, he broke up with me.. "

Lisa bit her lower lips,

Is she talking about Jungkook?..

" W-what is his name?.. " Lisa ask.

" Ju-"

" Lisa! " a familiar voice call which made both of them turn to the voice direction.

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