[ 13 ]

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Lisa woke up as she saw a blanket wrap around her. She grab it gently as she scan the room.

He's gone!

She got up as she stare into the empty bed, her eyes trail to the wet towel on the table.

Did he left?

She walk out of the her room and into the living room. She march her way to the front door.

" You're awake! "

When suddenly a voice stop her. She quickly turn and saw him setting up the plates.

She look at him confused, while he smile innocently.

"Breakfast is served. "

[ Time skip ]

" Where were you all night? " Taehyung ask as Jungkook just got home. Jungkook eyes trail up to see Taehyung leaning against the doorway of the kitchen with his arms cross.

" I was with a friend. " he answer firmly as he walk upstairs. Taehyung followed him behind as he ask numerously questions.

" Who's that friend? "

" you know mother and father were worried? "

" what did you do at your friend's house? "

" and what happened to your coat?! "

" Kook-"

" Stop. " Jungkook finally turn to his brother with a annoyed look. He was beyond piss as his brother had just ruin his mood.

" Just shut up and leave me alone! "

He walk in his room as he slam the door behind him, leaving Taehyung there. He (Taehyung) let out a heavy sigh as he walk rub his forehead.

" What's that sound? " his mother called as she came running. Taehyung turn to look at her as he smile at her mother.

" Kook is just stress. We should leave him alone. "

" What's so special about him?"

Jungkook mutter. He glare at Taehyung who was talking to some employees from afar. He smile and chuckle along with the employees. Jungkook silently curse under his breath.

" I'll get you, Kim Taehyung. "

He roll his eyes. His eyes then trail to the picture. The title says
" employee of the year" and the pictures lies no one but Kim Taehyung. Jungkook click his tongue on his cheeks as he was piss.


His then trail back to Taehyung who wave to the employees before walking away. He took a glance at his watch. It's was their lunch break.

He walk back to his office as he plop down his comfortable chair. He took out his phone as he open his chats.


Lalalalisa: hey! How are you?
Sent at 6:24 a.m

Jungkook haven't reply to her ever since that "incident" with her. He felt bored with her and no longer has the motivation to chat with her.

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