[ 19 ]

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" Please, stop it! " Lisa cried, but he eventually ignore her pleading as he rub her back. His hand was slowly going down to her butt. She felt useless. She couldn't fight back, and she hated herself for it.

The sound of a hand clapping made him stop of what he was doing. He instantly turn around to found Jungkook standing there. He clap his hand with a smile on his face, looking proud.

" The fuck–
You're not allowed here! " he spat, his hand still on her waist. He stop clapping before raising his brow. He tilted his head to the side, seeing his hand on her waist. He chuckle before turning his head back to face the older men.

" And you–
You're not allowed to touch a girl's waist without her permission. " he pointed out.

" Can't you see? We're obviously trying to make out, till you came and ruin everything! " the older men yell. Lisa's eyes widen, she's already disgusted to have his hand on her waist, but hearing this makes her more disgusted.

" Oh, you're a couple? " he exclaimed excitedly before taking out his phone. " I would like to get to know how you guys started dating?

Must be fascinating. " he smile. The older men look at him confused.

" Well then-"

" no, no, I want the girl to answer. " he cut him.

" This is a test to see if the girlfriend really know about her boyfriend. " he said, extending his hand out to Lisa to grab. Lisa look at the hand, her eyes shaking.

" come on babe, tell them we're dating,

if you tell him otherwise, you'll lose your job " he whisper in her ear, before backing away. Lisa look at Jungkook, his face look innocent, yet his eyes were soft. It look warming and made her feel at ease. Hesitating, she grab his hand firmly.

Jungkook pull her a bit far from the older men. He smile at her, his hand still holding hers. " So tell me,

is he your boyfriend? "

Lisa bit her lower lip, unable to answer him. Yeah, she could just say no and she'll be safe, but even so, she wants this job and yet she doesn't want to lose it. What will happen if Jennie is the only one working? Plus she's moving soon. Yet, Jungkook's her boyfriend, so why is he acting like this?

She held on his hand tight, feeling scared. Jungkook notices it, which made his smile fade.

" No...
H-he's not.. " she said in a low voice, so that Jungkook could hear only. He nodded his head before pulling her behind him, their hands intertwine.

The older men squinted his eyebrows.
" What are you doing? " he ask which sounded like a yell.

" She claim not to be your girlfriend. "
He said, the smile on his face disappear. Anger was filled in his face. Suddenly, two police officer came in the room and handcuff him.

He look at them confused.

" What the–"

" Sir, attempting to rape, you'll be jailed for 2 years or fine 500,000 won, or both. It depends. " the police officer said. The older men tried fighting back, but the police officer held him tightly, not making him move at all.
He was drag out of the room, yelling.

" You ok? " he ask, turning to look at Lisa. Lisa stare at the floor, unable to face him. She was too shock with what had happened.

Jungkook held her cheek, rubbing her cheek softly. Soon, she broke down to tears.

" I thought... *sobs* I was scared.. " she said in between sobs. Jungkook pull her into a warming hug. Lisa continue to sob on his shoulder.

" Shhh, don't cry.
I'm here Lisa. " he cooed, rubbing her back gently.

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