[ 17 ]

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" why didn't you tell me he was chatting with you?" Jennie sigh.

" I wanted to tell you when it was the right time. ", but little does she knew she told her at a bad timing.

Lisa bit her lower lips, " but I-I guess I told you at a very wrong timing. Mianhe. " she said as she look down at the kitchen table.

" Let me see the chat between you and him. " she said. Lisa hesitate before giving her phone to Jennie.

Jennie unlock her phone as she went through her chat with her. She began reading it from the beginning to the end. Every texts that she read, the more her heart stings. The selfie he sent to Lisa breaks her heart more. But she wasn't mad at Lisa because Lisa didn't knew how he look like.

But still, she should have told her.

She place the phone gently on the table as she got up. " Where are you going? " Lisa ask as she watch Jennie walk away. She heard Jennie's door shut before letting out a heavy sigh.

It's my fault..

Ever since that incident, Taehyung haven't come out of his room. No matter how many times my mother and father came pleading, he didn't open the door. Even if I came begging.

I guess, he really loved her.

He even didn't came to work. His presence were the main topic in the whole building. Employees ask one another about him. They even asked me.

He is loved by everyone as well..

" Tae, " I called from outside. And as expected, no answer. " Let's go and meet Jennie. I'm sure we can't patch things up. "

" Leave me alone! " he yell from the other side which made me flinch. He never raise his voice in that tone. And for the very first time,

I was scared of him.

" M-Mr Jungkook! What are you doing here? " Lisa exclaim as she found Jungkook at her front door.

" I-is Jennie here? " he ask. Lisa nodded as she invited him in. She guided Jungkook to her room.

" She's in here. " Lisa pointed to the door. Jungkook nodded before sending soft knocks on her door.

" You don't have to knock, you know!" she call from inside. Jungkook swung the door open. Jennie rose from her seat and stop on what she's doing.

" Jungkook?"

" We need to talk. "

" I don't understand, why-"

" Why would you use his face? " Jennie ask.

" I hated my brother for a long time. And I wanted to get revenge on him by doing catfish-"

" on my best friend. " she snap. Jungkook bowed his head 90 degree. " I'm sorry. " he apologies.

" You ruin my relationship with him! And everything he said was true?...

I made him look like it was his fault! " Jennie said calmly. She didn't want to go mad at him. But she knew that he was at fault.
" I want to fix you're relationship with him. He's hadn't gotten out of his room for days. "

" W-what?! " she shriek.

" I need you to come with me to my house. Jebal.." he pleaded.

Jennie sigh, " Fine, but first, I want you to confessed everything to Lisa. "

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