[ 11 ]

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" How could you Tae? How could you cheat on me? "

" I thought you love me? "

" we're over. "


Taehyung look around his room, his breath was breathing heavily.
It's just a dream Tae..
It's just a dream..

Taehyung held his chest as he tried to calm himself down.

It was 2 a.m.

He sit there, staring into an empty space, trying to calm himself down.

He couldn't sleep, the thought of that dream still runs in his head.

He needed confront.

He needed her in his arms right now.

He shook his head as he force himself to sleep.

" I don't know if that's a good idea.."

" Why not?

I mean, isn't that we're supposed to do?.. " Taehyung said. Jennie cross her arm, " I'm actually ok with the idea. But I couldn't bare to leave Lisa living alone.

Who know what might happen to her? "

Taehyung tap his chin, thinking. Jennie held his hand.

" Don't worry, you should focus more on work. Don't wanna add your burden. Don't worry about my it. " she smile.

Taehyung let out a smile as he intertwine his fingers against her, " ok, but if you need any help or whatsoever, tell me. "

She just nodded as she slid her hand out of his grip. Confuse, he turn to look at his brother who just stared at them.

Before he could say anything, Jungkook turn his back and walk away. He turn back to look at Jennie who was looking down at the floor.

" What's wrong? " he ask as he grab her hand. A shy giggle escape her mouth as she said.

" I'm scared of your brother. "

What have you gotten yourself into?

Lisa look around the busy cafe. It was her first day of work.

I can do this!

" Hello, how may I help you? " she ask as a lady approach the counter.

" I would like to have the green tea and butter cake please. " the lady said politely.

Lisa smile as she tap down on the screen. She then calculated the price.

" that'll be 21 won ma'am. " the lady then give pay for her food as Lisa did the register stuff thingy.

" your food will be serve to you later. " she said as the lady nodded and went off to look for a table.

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