[ 10 ]

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" Jungkook? "

" Jungkook, are you listening? "

Lisa wave her hand in front of him. Jungkook snap out of his thoughts as he sees her hand.

" Are you listening? " she ask, again. Jungkook hesitate before letting a nervous laugh. He smile at her. " ah yeah.. " he then adverted his attention back to his brother who was laughing with Jennie. Their table were two tables away, in the same row as their table.

Lisa notice that he had his eyes fix on something. She turn to look to where he's looking at. "what are you looking at? "

Jungkook quickly held her cheek and rub her side mouth, which makes her head turn back to his direction. " You have some mayo at your mouth. " Lisa's face flush red, she move her head back as she held her mouth, feeling embarrassed, but it the same time felt surprised.

She let out a bitter smile. " T-thanks... I usually eat like this-but I-I'n trying hard to change my eating habits. " she stutter. Jungkook gave her a warm smile and then adverted his attention back to Taehyung.

This is going to be hard..

" Tae, you remember my friend Lisa right? " Jennie ask as she lean her arm on the table. " Oh, Lisa, what about her? "

" She wants to meet you in person. " she said. Taehyung raise a brow. " Is she a fan? " he ask.

" She's really wants to know how you look like. " she sigh as he chuckle. " Well, it's quite normal for me to have a fan. " he commented. Jennie squinted her eyes, " so you had fans and didn't bother in telling me? "

" Aww, somebody's jealous. " he tease. Jennie roll her eyes, " I'm not. " he chuckle as he held her hand at the table. " Mianhe, don't be mad. " he said lovingly and smile at her.

She giggle at his cuteness, as he laugh dorkily. " I'm a lucky alien." he said as she giggle more.

Their table was quiet as Jungkook kept his gaze somewhere else. Lisa was feeling quite angry and sad as Jungkook didn't have any attention to her.

She quietly turn to where Jungkook's looking, and her heart break to pieces. From Lisa's eyes, she was looking at a girl who was eating at a table alone.

She was wearing a red dress which looks makes her looks elegant. Black gloves, dark red lipstick. Straight black hair. She look very pretty and well mannered.

He must like girls like her.

She look down to examine her outfit. Orange top, a jeans I got from Jennie, black sneakers.

We look completely different...
I feel like so small..

The restaurant was filled with mostly rich people, and she felt small. She didn't know why, but she felt like she didn't belong here.

" Where are you going? " Jungkook ask at Lisa who got up from her seat. Lisa bow down to him.

" Thanks for the meal, I enjoyed it. Hope to see you again. " she said as she smile for the last time before walking away.

Jungkook watch as she walk away, feeling dumbfounded.

Did I do something wrong?..

He got up as to stop her, but he instantly got back down. He need to get out of the restaurant without being caught. But that's when he remembered that he had to pay as well.

What are you thinking Lis? You think he would like a girl like you?

She sat down by the fountain as she stare into a empty space. Her mind was not blank, but her heart is.

Is this call one-sided love?

She rub her temple, trying to calm herself down. She didn't want to cry, but her heart hurts badly as her head is.


“Jungkook quickly held her cheek as he rub her side mouth, which makes her head turn to his direction. " you got some mayo at your mouth. " ”

Was that all an act? Why did he wanted to have a meal with me anyways?

I miss Justin Seagull...

Without realising, tears were streaming down her face. She quickly wipe her tears away.
She didn't like showing people her crying face.

" There you are. " a voice called out. She turn her head to the voice direction and saw him, standing there. She quickly got up as she look at him.

" I was looking everywhere for you. " he huff as he walk towards her. " M-me? Why?.. " she ask.

" that's not the question, Lisa. The question is, " he stop in front of her with his hands in his pocket. " Why did you suddenly left without a proper goodbye?

Did I do something wrong that may hurt your feelings? " he ask.

His voice was melting her heart, and his accent was just... Perfect. Her heart beat fast and loud. She wanted to dive into his voice and never come back.

She couldn't find the right words to answer his question. She can't just say that she's jealous that he's been checking out someone.

Absolutely not!

Without realising, her mouth was open. Jungkook chuckle as he lightly push her chin up so that her mouth was close.

" you don't want any flies swooning in. " he joke.

Damn his laugh, it makes me feel... At ease.. 

" Uh yeah... " she let out a nervous laugh. Jungkook stare at her from top to bottom.

She is hella pretty..
Damn her lips, I can't stop staring at it.
If only Taehyung didn't interfere...

" I-I have to go, it was nice meeting you. " she said shyly as she bow down. Jungkook look at his wrist watch as it shows 2:54 p.m.

There's still time!

As Lisa turn and walk away, Jungkook grab her wrist firmly. Lisa turn around and look at him, surprised.

" Can I at least take you home? "

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