[ 22 ]

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{ Lisa's POV}

After that incident, things went back to normal. I continue to work as Jungkook's personal assistant, and so far, I'm doing fine. Jungkook stop to catfish people ever since, and he already apologized to all of the victims.

Just because I told him to.

Despite that, he's really sweet and a hardworking man, just like his brother. He hates being compared with his brother, but it doesn't mean he hate him, right?

As for Jennie, she eventually move in with Taehyung. They bought a new house just a few miles away from their house.

Did I mention that they are on a honeymoon? Yes, they went on a honeymoon in Thailand.

They won't be back for a few days, since they want some time for only the two of them.

I have the whole apartment to myself, which is actually kind of bad since I'm all alone.

Jungkook wanted to move in with me, but I told him not to. We shouldn't rush things right? He's really concerned about me, which makes me feel happy.

He really is a great guy, I'm lucky to have him.

" aish."

I heard him curse under his breath. I look up from the papers I was holding and turn to look at him.

" you ok? "

Instead if replying, he just nodded his head, his eyes on the paper. He was rubbing his temple.

He must be very stressful right now.

I focus back to my paperwork, not gonna add more burden on his shoulder.

I'll cheer him up later.


" Thanks for sending me home, I really appreciate it. " Lisa said as she turn to look at him.

" It is my duty, isn't it? " he said smiling.

Everytime he smile, it sends butterflies down my stomach. There is something about his smile that's so satisfying.

" You sure you're gonna be ok tonight? " he ask, his hands in his pockets.

" of course! ", she exclaimed. " I have muscles to you know? " she joke.

He chuckle before approaching her.

" come here. " He said, pulling her into a hug. Lisa hug him back, her face against his hard chest.

Due to the height difference, he has to look down to look at her. Her head that pops out in between his arms made him chuckle.

She's so cute.

" Goodnight. " He said, kissing her head before walking over to his car.

" Kook wait. "

"hmm? "

Lisa ran towards him as she planted a kiss on his lips. Before Jungkook could even react, she already pulled away.

" Goodnight. " she said smiling. Before she could walk away, Jungkook grab her by the waist as he pulled her closer.

Her eyes widen when she felt his lips against hers, but she eventually return the kiss. The kiss was long, yet fill with passion.

He pulled away, gasping for air. He rest his forehead against hers.

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