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" Mr Jungkook?"

" Mr Jungkook? "

" Excuse me, Mr Jungkook? " Jungkook snap out of his thoughts. He was too busy thinking about his plan that his thoughts wandered off.

Everyone sitting at the table were looking at him, including his father.

" Mr Jungkook, are you with us? " Taehyung ask which made Jungkook to turn his gaze at him.

He clear his throat as he fix his position. He lean against the chair as he cross his leg.

Everyone look at him with a confused look. His father let out a heavy sigh.

" Sorry, carry on. " he gesture. Taehyung took a glance at his father who was clearly looking down, embarrass. Even the employees sitting beside him were whispering.

Taehyung gulp down his throat. He then continue his presentation.

The three of them were the last ones in the meeting room as the meeting was over. Mr Jeon ask for his two sons to stay back as he needs to have a talk.

Mr Jeon got up from his seat as he approach a frighten Jungkook who was standing still, his hands clasp together like a obedient boy.

" Are you ok Kook? " the father ask, concern. Jungkook bow his low, " I'm sorry, father. " he apologize, his voice soft. Taehyung couldn't do anything but just stand there obediently.

Their father is strict, which is why both of them are very scared of their father. Their father wants both of them to be like him;


That's why they both follow his father's footsteps. Taehyung was determine to be like his father, but Jungkook doesn't. He wants to be just like his mother;


Mr Jeon ruffle his hair,  " Get enough sleep next time, don't doze off on a meeting. " he said softly, didn't want to frighten his son. " Yes father, I will. " he bowed once again. He smile as he pat his shoulder, before walking away. " Let's go Kook. " Taehyung said as he walk behind Mr Jeon.

Jungkook let out a heavy sigh as he chase after them.

{ At Lisa's and Jennie's apartment }


Lisa is at her room, laying on her bed. She couldn't stop thinking about love and finding her true love.
She needed to talk about it to someone, but Jennie's in the bathroom showering.

Lisa let out a heavy sigh. Jennie is so lucky to find a guy like Taehyung.

But I don't even know what he looks like!

Lisa let out a yell of frustrated as she move her hands, hitting her soft bed.
Why am I even stress about it?.. It's just love!

Lisa sit up in her bed, she was indeed stress just by thinking about the thought of love.

I need some fresh air..

Lisa got up as she walk towards her balcony connected to her room.

She lean her arm against the gate of the balcony.

The cold wind blowing against her skin, the city lights that shines along the night is indeed the perfect view to let your mind loose.

She breath in the cold air around her, closing her eyes. Enjoying the breeze.

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