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"Your Grace," A member of the Kingsguard called out, knocking on King Robert's chamber door, where he sat nursing a cup of wine. "There is a woman here, requesting your presents."

Robert snorted, "Aren't the women always requesting my presents." He mumbled to himself before speaking louder so the guard could hear him, "Send her away, I have no desire for a woman's company today."

After a moment of silence the knight spoke up, "Begging your pardon Sire, but the woman was quite insistent, said it was a matter of urgency."

Robert sighed, "Very well, take her to the throne room, I will arrive there shortly."

"Yes, your grace." The knight said, bowing and walked away

Robert grumbled, standing to his feet and began walking out of his chambers towards the throne room.

It had been a year since the war had ended, a year since he killed Rhaegar Targaryen and took the throne, a year since his beautiful Lyanna had died at the hands of that cur, and he had been forced to marry his wife, Cersei Lannister.

Their first child she had given birth to a fortnight ago had been a stillborn and Cersei had been deemed barren. She was quite distraught over the matter, and understandably so.

Reaching the throne room he could hear quiet murmuring coming from inside.

Throwing the doors open he saw a sickly young woman standing in the middle of the room whispering to a small babe in her arms, the child being only a few moons old.

Looking more closely at the woman, he began to recognize her. She looked quite ill, but still just as pretty as the day he had met her.

"Lylah? What the devil are you doing here, woman?" Robert asked her confused. She was the first woman he had lain with after his betrothed had been taken by the Targaryen prince, and he had come back to her quite often afterwards.

The woman looked up at him, a relieved smile spreading across her worn, haggard face.

"Oh Robert, I'm so glad you agreed to see me." Lylah whispered. Her voice had begun to leave her as she had gotten weaker since the birth of her child, and she began to stagger slightly.

Robert walked over to her and grabbed her arms, trying to help stabilize her. "My sweet, what is wrong?" he asked her guiding her over to the stairs leading up to the iron throne, to let her sit.

Lylah waved her hand dismissively, "Never mind that. I want you to meet someone. Robert, this is your son." She said motioning to the child in her arms, who was looking at Robert quizzically.

Robert looked down at the boy and had the sudden urge to smile at the small child who was an exact replica of himself at that age. Reaching out, he gently touched the child's hand.

The babe, looking up at the man, gave him a toothless grin; taking a hold of his outstretched finger and gripping it tightly, bring it to his mouth to chew on it, squealing excitedly when Robert slipped out of his grip and tickled him.

Robert grinned back before his face became somber and he looked up at Lylah, who was looking weaker with every passing second. "My son? Why have you brought him here?"

Lylah gave him a sad smile, "I heard the terrible news about your queen becoming barren and leaving you with no children." She sighed, "Robert, I am dying. I want to make sure our child is well taken care of, and you are in need of a son. I beg of you, take him, legitimize him and make him your heir."

Robert looked at her, she was right; he needed an heir. At 27 his best friend, Eddard Stark, already had two children, though one was a bastard, and Robert had just received a letter letting him know that Ned had another one on the way, while he, at 28, had no legitimate children to pass the throne to. He looked back at the child, he was a truly beautiful babe and no one would doubt he was Robert's. Sighing he looked back at the woman in front of him and nodded, "Very well, I will take him. He will become my heir. What is his name?"

Letting out a shaky breath, Lylah smiled up at him, "Gendry, it means noble." She then looked down at their child with tears in her eyes and gave him a kiss on his forehead, whispering that she loved him before handing him to Robert and turning walking out of the castle and never to be seen again.

Robert sighed looking down at the babbling child and smiled at him, "Well Gendry, my boy, lets get you settled in to your new home." Robert laid his son against his chest, where he began to doze, and walked out of the throne room.


Ned Stark sat in his study reading a letter from his oldest friend, Robert Baratheon, who had just informed him of his recently legitimized son. As Ned continued to read the letter it soon became apparent from the way Robert spoke that he was completely in love with his son, and was constantly doting on him.

Just as he had finished reading and had set the letter down, a servant came rushing in announcing that Lady Catelyn had gone into labor.

As the hours passed and Catelyn continued to cry out in pain, Ned stood outside the door pacing anxiously. His two sons, Robb and Jon, had sat outside and waited with him for the first few hours, both excited to meet their newest sibling, but had eventually been taken to bed when neither could keep their eyes open.

Finally, the tiny cries of a baby began coming from inside the room.

Maester Luwin came out of the room and found Lord Stark waiting nervously for news on his Lady Wife and babe. "Congratulations Lord Stark, your wife has blessed you with a healthy baby girl. You may go in a see her now."

Ned let out a breath of relief and entered the chambers that his wife and new child were in. Walking over to the bed he sat down beside his beautiful, but tired wife and smiled at her.

Catelyn returned his smile with one of her own before succumbing to her exhaustion and letting sleep overtake her. One of the midwives walked over to the bed with the sleeping babe in her arms, "Would you like to hold your daughter, Lord Stark?"

Ned nodded his head and reached his arms out for his new child, looking down at her he grinned, unlike his first child, who was all Tully, this child was all stark. He could see none of the babe's mother in her. "What has her mother named her?" He asked the midwife quietly so as not to wake the baby.

The midwife smile at the young Lord, "Lady Stark has named the child, ILyanna, in honor of your sister she said." (ill-lie-ana)

Ned smiled happily, and looked down at the babe, "ILyanna," He said reverently, "It's perfect, she's perfect." As the baby opened her eyes and peered up at her father curiously he said to her, "Hello my beautiful ILyanna, I'm your father."


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