Chapter 8

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ILyanna left her betrothed behind and ran across the hall towards her father and the man he was speaking with in a very unladylike manner, "Uncle Benjen!" She exclaimed happily jumping into the man's arms.

"Whoa there." The man chuckled catching the girl that had thrown herself at him, hugging her tightly before releasing her from the hug. He held her at arms length and gave her an appraising look before turning to her elder brother and telling him, "Well Ned, you sure do know how to breed 'em down here. I'm telling ya this girl gets more beautiful every time I see her. The spittin' image of our dear Lyanna, this one is."

ILyanna gave both men a wide smile, she was proud to be compared with such a strong and beautiful Northern woman, before looking to her Uncle, "What are you doing here, Uncle? Why didn't you send word of your arrival? How long are you staying? Will you be staying long?"

Benjen grinned down at ILyanna, "Slow down girl." He chuckled, "What, you didn't think I'd miss my eldest niece's wedding did you?"

ILyanna frowned, looking between him and her father, "Oh, are you coming to King's landing with us then?"

Benjen frowned, confused and looked to father, who groaned, and ran his hand down his face tiredly, before looking at her and speaking, "We'll talk more of this in the morn. Go enjoy yourself, girl. Your betrothed is looking mighty depressed without your company." His words made ILyanna look behind her to Gendry and seeing the frown he had on his face as he searched the hall, no doubt looking for where she had disappeared to.

Anna looked back at her father and uncle, sighed and nodded her head dejectedly before walking back to the table where Gendry and her siblings were sitting.

Knowing her father and uncle had dismissed her because they had things they wanted to discus; she decided to get a little revenge on them. So as soon as she sat down and Robb asked her, "Where did you run off to?" She announced to all her siblings loudly, "Uncle Benjen is here!" ILyanna sat back watching amused as her siblings tripped over themselves trying to get to their father and uncle, even Sansa, for all her ladylike qualities, hiked up her skirt and flew out of her chair, trying to get to their uncle.

Gendry grinned as he watched the Stark children fight each other, trying to get there first, hearing a quiet chuckling, he then looked back over at his betrothed and seeing the evil little smirk on her face he asked her knowingly, "What did you do?"

ILyanna looked back at him and gave him her best innocent smile, and answered, "I have no idea what you are speaking of, my prince. All I have done is inform my siblings of our uncle's arrival so that they could go and see him for themselves. And if they happen to do that while he and my father are trying to have a private conversation, well then who was I to know." And with that the mischievous little smirk was back on her face.

Gendry chuckled at that, and looking at her smiling face he realized that this was a woman that he could indeed see himself loving for the rest of his life. And not just for her outward beauty, she had a beautiful heart and soul as well. She would make a wonderful queen for the kingdom, and hopefully, with time, she could come to love him as well.

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