Chapter 1

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(16 years later)

ILyanna Stark sat between her two younger sisters as they practiced their needle work. She would much rather be outside with her brothers giving her younger brother, Bran, his archery lesson, but instead she was stuck inside trying to learn how to be a proper lady. Well at least she was quite good at needlework, even if she did detest it with the utmost sincerity.

"Fine work as always, well done." Septa Mordane said as she came to kneel beside ILyanna's younger sister, Sansa.

"Thank you." Sansa replied with a modest but proud smile. ILyanna turned her head to look over at her youngest sister, Arya, and they both rolled their eyes at Sansa and gave off a silent laugh.

Septa Mordane then turned her attention towards ILyanna, "Oh, and Lady ILyanna, what beautiful work you've created, as always. You have such a knack for needlework."

"Thank you, Septa Mordane

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"Thank you, Septa Mordane." ILyanna answered with a beautiful, yet fake, smile. She placed her work down and asked, "I have finished, Septa. May I be excused early?"

Septa Mordane opened and closed her mouth quietly thinking before nodded her head hesitantly. Arya shot her sister a betrayed and angered look for leaving her alone with all those boring and giggling girls. ILyanna returned her look with an apologetic one of her own, but Arya just rolled her eyes and made a shooing motion with her hand.

ILyanna tried to walk out of the room as gracefully as possible but also as fast as she could before Septa Mordane could change her mind.

She walked out into the courtyard and began making her way to where her brother's were practicing their archery. She had just made it to them when she heard her father's voice come from above her asking, "And which one of you were a marksman at 10?"

ILyanna smirked and walked out into everyone's view, "Well, I've never been one to brag, but..." She trailed off looking up at her father and mother.

Ned Stark rolled his eye at his eldest daughter, "Yes well, we can't all be as accomplished as you, darling." He said to her and playfully glared but ILyanna just gave him a bright, innocent smile before they all diverted their attention back at Bran's practice.

ILyanna walked over to her brothers and bent down, whispering in Bran's ear, "Relax your bow arm, sweeting." Bran nodded his head in understanding and relaxed his arm, pulling the string on the bow back. Bran was about to let loose his arrow, when another came from behind them all and hit the center of the target perfectly.

Everyone paused in slight shock and turned their heads first to ILyanna, knowing this was something she would do, but when they saw she held no bow everyone diverted their attention behind her, only to see Arya, bow in hand, drop herself into a small curtsy.

Bran glared at his elder sister by a year, threw his bow down and chased after her. Arya also dropped her bow and giggled running away from her brother, who was in hot pursuit of her. As he chased her around the training grounds, Robb and Jon were shouting for Bran to run and catch Arya. ILyanna, being the loyal big sister that she was, laughed and yelled for Arya to move faster, while their parents could be heard laughing at their children's antics.

When Bran and Arya had run so far they were out of sight everyone began to settle down and Robb, Jon, and Rickon went about collecting the arrows that were used and putting them away, while ILyanna decided to go up and see her mother and father.

Heading up to where her mother and father were she passed Theon on her way up and he paused, smirked at her and winked before continuing on his way; ILyanna just rolled her eyes at him and headed over towards her parents. When she finally reached them she could hear her father telling her mother, "They swore an oath, Cat."

"What is going on?" She asked curiously, coming to stand beside her father. Ned looking down at her grimly, "Deserter." He simply stated, "Go tell Bran he's coming too."

"Ned," Cat intervened, "10 is too young to see such things." She told him firmly, silently pleading with him not to take her child to see that horror.

"Please father, he's not ready." ILyanna also begged her father, agreeing with her mother.

Ned looked back and forth at the two, sighed and said to them, "He won't be a boy forever."

ILyanna took a step forward, "But father..." Ned interrupted her, "Enough, I will not be talked out of this. He is going."

His eldest daughter sighed, "Then at least permit me to accompany you. Bran will need a mother figure after seeing such a sight for the first time. And I have gone before. Please father."

She had begged her father to allow her to accompany them after the first time Robb and Jon had gone, and he had finally relented on her 14th name-day.

Ned stared at her for a long moment, she was so much like his sister, before turning a walking away telling her over his shoulder, "Get ready, quickly, and meet us at the gate. If you take too long, we'll not wait for you" ILyanna nodded her head and began walking away.

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