Chapter 5

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After he had spoken, every one of the Southerners began trying to steal a look at her, wanting to see the mirror image of the woman who had stolen the Targaryen Prince's heart and had a war started for her.

ILyanna shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of the king, who stood there staring at her with his mouth agape. She turned and gave her father a pleading look, begging for him to do something, anything to get the king's gaze off her.

She could see from the corner of her eye the Queen sending her a hate filled glare, and why should she not? ILyanna was complete replica of the woman's husband's lost love.

ILyanna could also see the looks of intrigue and lust coming from not only the second eldest prince, but his uncle, the Kingslayer, as well as every other Southern man in attendance; and she did not appreciate the attention.

Lastly, she could see the handsome Prince Gendry gazing at her, his eyes full confusion, worry, and empathy, Gendry was also used to being stared at like a walking shrine since he looked like his father in his younger years. He could also see the panic building in her eyes and had to fight the urge to go to her and protect her from anything and everything that could hurt her.

Ned cleared his throat, "Your Grace, this is my eldest daughter, ILyanna. Does she not do her namesake proud?" He said, and even though he was trying to divert the king's gaze away from his daughter you could still hear the pride in his voice as he spoke of ILyanna.

"Aye that she does; thought I was seeing a ghost for a moment there. A true Northern Rose you've got here, Ned." King Robert finally spoke, taking his eyes away from her to look at her father, only for them to move right back to her.

After a few more uncomfortable seconds, he finally moved on to her sister Sansa, but he simply walked by her, teller her she was pretty as he went. ILyanna could tell it angered her sister that the king didn't pay her as much attention as he did ILyanna, not to mention the fact that both princes and the Kingslayer still had their eyes on her.

After King Robert has also passed Arya and was speaking to Bran, ILyanna heard Arya whisper, or well attempt to whisper, "That's Jaime Lannister, the queen's twin brother."

Sansa glared down at Arya, "Will you please shut up." she growled and ILyanna was getting tired of her younger sisters attitude.

"Sansa, stop speaking to Arya that way." Removing the glare from her face and giving Sansa a teasing grin, "It's not a very lady like attitude to have at all." She told her and a mocking haughty tone.

When ILyanna heard laughter from around the court yard, she froze and the color drained from her face. She knew that everyone had heard her and her sisters speaking.

King Robert grinned down at her, "Ah she's got the Stark fire, this one, just like her Aunt. I can tell." Turning his back to them and motioned forward with his hand and the royal family came forward.

After her mother and father had greeted the Queen, King Robert began speaking, "And these are my children, my heir, Prince Gendry, Joffrey, Myrcella, and young Tommen."

Gendry and ILyanna were barely paying attention to the introductions, as their eyes still on one another.

They were jolted out of their staring contest by King Robert's booming voice, "Take me to your crypt, Ned. I want to pay my respects."

Before ILyanna's father could move to do as the king bid, Queen Cersei spoke up, "We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait." Gendry barely held back his groan, why did she bother speaking at all? Cersei should know by know that his father wouldn't listen to her.

"Ned." King Robert ordered ignoring the Queen as he began walking off, with her father trailing behind them.

All was quiet for a moment before it was broken by Arya, "Where's the imp?" and both ILyanna and Gendry chuckled at Arya's cluelessness


Walking in the catacombs Lord Stark asked, "Tell me about Jon Arryn."

Robert stared at his long time friend before answering, "One minute he was fine, and then...Burned right through him, whatever it was. I loved that man"

"We both did." Ned replied as they made it to the crypts

"He never had to teach you much, but me... You remember me at 16," both men chuckled. "So much like Gendry, I was. Except unlike that boy, all I wanted to do was crack skulls and fuck girls. Jon showed me what was what."

"Aye..." Ned shot Robert a look.

"Don't look at me like that; it's not his fault I didn't listen." Robert told Ned and both of them started laughing.

Robert sighed coming to a stop in front of Ned, "I need you, Ned. Down in Kings Landing; not up here where you're no damn use to anybody." Ned looked down; this was what he was afraid of. "Lord Eddard Stark, I would name you hand of the King."

Ned look around for a moment trying to figure out how to get out of this, finally he just bowed, "I am not worthy of the honor."

Robert chuckled slightly, "I'm not trying to honor you. I'm trying to get you to run my Kingdom while I eat, drink, and whore my way into an early grave so Gendry can take over. Damn it, Ned, stand up." Robert told him with a slight smile. "You helped me win the iron throne, now help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule, together. If your sister had lived we would have been bound by blood."

Robert looked down sadly, before looking up, "Well it's not too late. I have two sons, you have two daughters. We'll join our houses." Robert told Ned before walking away leaving his friend, dumbfounded.

Ned followed him, "And who exactly are we marrying?"

Robert scoffed, "Well my Joffrey and your young Sansa for one, obviously."

"And the other two that are to marry?" Ned asked, not sure if he meant ILyanna for Gendry or Arya for little Tommen.

Robert stopped again and stared at him, "Your daughter ILyanna, she's a very beautiful girl, the spitting image of her aunt; she'll marry my heir and the future King of Westeros, Gendry, and with that your daughter will be the future Queen along with him."

Ned looked quite frightened at this prospect, he knew Gendry looked just like his father, but did he act like him too? Was he a drunkard too? Maybe he already had a few bastards out there as well. Gods knows his father did at his age.

Robert must have seen the indecision and worry on Ned's face because he gave him a grin, "Don't worry, that boy's nothin' like me, except in his looks. I'm not sure if he's ever even touched a girl before, and the only time he drinks is at a feast. Boy's never even been drunk that I know of. He'll do perfectly for your little Northern beauty."

That did in fact ease Ned's nerves some. Out of all of his girls, she was the one he was most cautious with. The fact that he was always trying to keep her safe probably had something to do with her being exactly like her aunt; and the fate that Lyanna had he didn't want to be his own daughter's as well.

Ned sighed and nodded, "May I speak with Cat about this matter before I agree to it? As the girls' mother she has some right to have an opinion."

Robert waved his hand dismissively, "Yes, yes, talk to Cat first and tell your answer on the morrow. Now come, I wish to see her."

Ned sighed but followed.

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