Chapter 9

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The morning after the feast, ILyanna woke up excited for the day. She was going to show Gendry the Gods wood.

ILyanna had just finished dressing herself when a knock came on her door. Allowing the person entrance, one of her maids stepped through and informed her that her father, the King and Prince Gendry were waiting for her in her fathers Solar.

Thanking the girl she stepped out into the hallway and made her way to her father's study

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Thanking the girl she stepped out into the hallway and made her way to her father's study. ILyanna smoothed down her dress before knocking on the door opening it as soon as she heard her father's voice welcoming her in.

On the other side of the door was her father in his usual chair behind his desk, and the King and Prince sitting in chairs facing her father.

"You called for me, father?" ILyanna asked. The sound of her voice caused all eyes in the room to fall on her.

Nedd Stark nodded his head and motioned for her to come forward, "Yes I did, close the door please, ILyanna, and take a seat." He motioned to the chair on the other side of Gendry.

Closing the door behind her, ILyanna walked over towards the men and sat down beside her betrothed.

Looking at her father's grim face she asked, "It something wrong?"

Before her father could answer, the king's booming voice answered her, "Of course not, my dear. Your father and I were just going over plans for the wedding and thought the two of you would like to be included in the discussion."

ILyanna nodded her head in agreement and asked, "So, what are we discussing?"

Her father answered her this time, "The King was gracious enough to allow the wedding to take place here so that your whole family could be in attendance." And ILyanna smiled at this bit of news, and bowed her head gratefully to the king, "That was very kind of you, Your Grace."

Robert waved his head dismissively, "It's no matter girl, but we have to get this thing planned out soon, we were only meant to stay for two weeks but I have extended it to a month to allow more time for the wedding to be planned."

ILyanna and Gendry both froze at his words; they only had a few weeks before they got married? Gendry was the one who spoke u about it though, "Father, so soon, Lady ILyanna and I have only just met. Surely we would have more courting time before our wedding."

ILyanna and Ned both stared at the boy; surprised he would speak out to his father about this. But Robert just gave the boy a small grin and told him, "Nonsense, many married couples have gone their whole lives never meeting until their wedding day. Your step-mother and I are one such case." When everyone in the room stared at him dumbfounded he realized his mistake, "Alright bad example, there are plenty of other married who have never met that have had a happy marriage, at least you two get a few weeks to get to know each other."

Ned looked over to his oldest daughter, "You have been very quiet, darling. How do you feel about this?"

ILyanna looked from her father to the king then to Gendry before answering, "I would have liked more time for Prince Gendry and I to get to know one another, but I would very much like to have my entire family present at the wedding. As long as Prince Gendry has no qualms about the marriage I am content with this arrangement."

When Gendry finally nodded his head in accord, the king slapped his knee happily and bellowed, "Wonderful! This has all been settled. Now run along, the both of you. We will take care of the other affaires and Cat with begin with the preparations."

ILyanna and Gendry both stood and bowed and they headed out the door. ILyanna looked up at Gendry and smiled, "Would you still like to take a tour of the god's wood with me, your highness?"

Gendry smiled back down at her and offered her his arm as he replied, "I would be most delighted, my lady."

"I hope this new arrangement does not upset you, ILyanna?" Gendry voiced his concerns as they sat together under the Heart tree as watching Arya Bran and Rickon play with the dire wolf pups.

ILyanna looked up from staring at Alarik lounging in her lap, to Gendry, startled by his question, "Not at all, I was merely taken by surprise. I though we would be wed in Kings landing upon our return."

Gendry sighed and nodded his head, "As did I, but my father wanted us to marry here. And what the king wants, the king gets." He spoke sardonically.

ILyanna gently nudged his shoulder with his own, "You should not speak in such a tone about the king. After all, you are to be one in the future."

Gendry chuckled at her words and opened mouth to speak but was interrupted, "Are you the one that is taking my ILy away?" looking over to who had spoken, Gendry came into eye contact with the youngest Stark child. Rickon was standing in front of the prince and his big sister, his arms crossed and an adorably angry frown on his face.

Gendry gave the boy a soft smile, "Aye, I am. Your sister is to come and live in King's landing with me and be my wife. Do you not agree with this arrangement?" he asked the boy.

Rickon growled angrily, "No, I don't want ILy to leave. She has to stay here where she belongs. You can go to King's landing by yourself." Rickon stomped his foot.

ILyanna was appalled at the way Rickon was acting, "Rickon Stark, where are your manners. That is no way to speak to the prince."

But Gendry hand his hand out for her to stop her tirade, "No it's alright, I would be quiet upset too if someone was taking Myrcella away from me." Leaning closer to Rickon he spoke, "You know Rickon, just because your sister is moving away and getting married it doesn't mean she wont be your sister anymore. And it doesn't mean you won't ever see her again. All you have to do is send a raven and I will make sure she comes to see you."

Rickon, near in tears by now, walked closer to Gendry and sat in front of him, "Really? Whenever I want? Sansa said that when ILyanna marries you she won't have time for me anymore."

Gendry frowned at that, as did ILyanna. She reached over and brought Rickon into her lap where he laid his head against her shoulder, "Oh no, my little wolf, I will always have time for you," She looked around at her two other siblings standing before her and smiled, "I will have time for any of you as long as you need me. Never doubt that." Then she smiled over at Gendry, "And besides, you're not losing your big sister, you're all gaining another big brother through this marriage."

Gendry smiled at her words, he had not thought of it like that and apparently judging from their faces neither had the Stark children. But she was right; with this marriage he would gain not only a good-father and mother, but also four good-brothers and two-good sisters. Not to mention he would have the most beautiful wife in all the seven kingdoms.

Bran was the first to look over at Gendry and smile, "I had no thought of it that way," reaching over, Bran tried to give Gendry a manly pat on the shoulder, "Welcome to the family, Gendry."

And after that Arya also smiled over at him, "Do you know to fight with a sword?" after answering 'yes' she questioned him further, "Can you teach me?" Gendry and ILyanna both just laughed t her request, neither giving her an answer.

Finally little Rickon sat up from his elder sister's lap and walked over to Gendry. He reached over and gave Gendry and tight hug, one that was fully reciprocated by Gendry. After Rickon let go he looked up and smiled at Gendry telling him, "If ILy has to marry someone, I'm glad it's you."

And with that the seriousness was over, and they spent the rest of the day playing in the gods wood together before they had to go back to the keep for supper. Having spent the day watching his betrothed with her youngest siblings, how kind and loving she was, Gendry realized that he was well on his way to loving his future wife.

Now, he could only hope she would soon feel the same.

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