Chapter 3

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ILyanna stood beside Jon, watching as Robb was having a right good shaving in preparation for the Kings arrival to Winterfell.

"Why is your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the king?" Jon asked sullenly, the pout on his face making ILyanna laugh at him which earned her a glare from her elder brother.

"It's for the Queen, I bet," Theon answered leaning against a column, "I hear she's a sleek bit of mink."

"I hear the second eldest prince is a right royal prick." Robb told them, his voice full of contempt.

Theon smirked looking over at ILyanna quickly before turning back to Robb, "But think of all those southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick."

Robb stood up and slapped Theon in the back of the head, "Watch what you say in front of my sister, Greyjoy." Robb growled at him, casting a glance at his sister.

ILyanna let out a very unladylike snort, running her fingers through her dire wolf, Alarik's fur, "Please, I have grown up around you three, I have heard far worse."

Robb smiled at her before taking Jon by the shoulders and shoving him towards the stool he himself had just vacated, "Go on Tommy, shear him good. He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair." His words earned a laugh from both Theon and ILyanna, and they only laughed harder at the grimace on Jon's face.

"I heard that it was believed that the queen was barren after giving birth to a stillborn, so the King legitimized one of his bastard sons. But two years later she gave birth to a royal prick of a prince with Lannister blonde hair." ILyanna told the boys as they all stared at her, shocked.

"Where did you hear that rubbish from?" Theon asked her with a smirk and a roll of his eyes.

ILyanna frowned at him, "Father told me. He said that I was born the same day that he got the letter announcing Prince Gendry's legitimization."

Robb and Jon shared a frown and Theon laughed at her, "Well maybe the King is coming here to try and make your father sell you off to his eldest son."

After Theon had said that, the three siblings stared at each other, worry evident in their eyes.

Robb sighed, "Anna you had better go on and get ready, the king should be arriving soon. No doubt mother has been looking everywhere for you."

ILyanna nodded her head and with one final smile towards her brothers she left, Alarik following closely behind her.


Between Robb and Sansa, ILyanna stood with her family, waiting for the royal party to come through the gates of Winterfell.

 ILyanna leaned around her oldest brother and whispered to her father, "Why does Jon have to stand behind us with Theon, Why can he not stand with his family?"

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ILyanna leaned around her oldest brother and whispered to her father, "Why does Jon have to stand behind us with Theon, Why can he not stand with his family?"

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