Chapter 7

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ILyanna and her siblings joined the rest of their family and the royal party in the corridor, waiting to be escorted into the feasting hall.

She saw their father off to the side of the room speaking to King Robert with their mother standing beside him, on the other side of the room Robb was speaking with Prince Gendry. ILyanna decided that she would go over to her brother and formally meet the prince.

Robb saw her coming over first and gave her a large grin, "Ah there is my lovely sister," His word drawing Prince Gendry's attention towards her. By gods she was beautiful. She took his breath away every time he saw her.

Prince Gendry bowed to her as she curtsied to him, taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it, "Lady ILyanna, you look very lovely tonight."

ILyanna was shocked at herself for slightly blushing at the prince's praise. She had never blushed for a man in her life! "Thank you, your Highness. Are you enjoying Winterfell so far?" She asked him with a kind smile.

"I am indeed, you have a beautiful home." He told her honestly and his answer made ILyanna like him all the more for it.

"I am glad you like it. If you find this place beautiful, you should see the god's woods. Perhaps I could show them to you on the morrow." ILyanna offered sweetly, she wanted to spend time with her soon to be betrothed and get to know him.

Gendry grinned delighted at the thought of spending more time with this girl. He hoped Lord Stark agreed to his father's request to marry them. "I would like that very much, Lady ILyanna."

Before ILyanna could reply they were interrupted, "Are you looking forward to the feast tonight, Anna?" Robb asked her, his grin still held on his face, only it had turned slightly more mischievous.

ILyanna gave her brother an apprehensive smile; she didn't like the look he had on his face, "Yes, I am. You know how much I enjoy the feasts."

Robb snickered and told her loudly so everyone could hear, "Well at least try and refrain from breaking a table this time, sister dear."

Every one was now staring at her and Robb, her family was obviously trying to hold in their laughter, remembering that particular feast. While the royal family had a look similar to shock and awe, how could this small young woman break at table?

No matter how unladylike it was, ILyanna reached over and punched Robb in the arm, eliciting a yelp from him in the process and causing the king to let out a roar of laughter.

"By gods Ned, you've got a wild thing on your hand. Tell me girl, how you managed to break a table." The king asked her, his laughter finally dying down.

ILyanna looked over at the King and gave him her best innocent smile, "One of the men got a little too drunk and took me for a serving maid. When he tried to grab at me I punched him and he fell into another very drunk man and I accidentally started a brawl which ended with a broken long table." She told him honestly, and her answer had everyone laughing, even the queen pulled a fleeting smile at the girl.

After everyone's laughter had died down Ser Rodrik came over to Ned and told him it was time for them to enter.

Prince Gendry offered his arm to ILyanna, "Would you allow me to escort you into the feast, My Lady?"

ILyanna smiled and took his offered arm, "I would be honored, your highness."

Linking arms with the queen her father began leading everyone into the hall.


ILyanna was seated between Robb and Prince Gendry with Theon on Robb's other side, Sansa and her little friend Jeyne Poole across from them, and Arya, Bran, and Rickon further down the table.

Gendry had noticed she was distracted and asked her, "Is there something on your mind, Lady ILyanna?"

ILyanna shook her head at the prince and answered him, "I can't seem to find my eldest bother, Jon, in the masses of people. And please your highness, I would much prefer it if you simply called me ILyanna."

Gendry nodded his head, "Well then, if I'm to address you as ILyanna then you must do the same and address me as Gendry."

ILyanna nodded her head and smiled at him before turning and asking Robb, "Where is Jon? I can't seem to find him."

Robb frowned at her and replied, "Didn't you hear? Mother wouldn't allow him to come; she thought it would be improper to have a bastard in the royal party's com..." Robb stopped talking and looked over to the prince quickly, worrying that he had offended him.

But Gendry was barely paying their conversation any attention; instead he was looking over at his father, who was making a fool of himself with one of the serving girls, and embarrassing Gendry's step-mother, who was shooting the king angry, glares.

The King stood up suddenly and everyone quieted down to hear him as he raised his mug full of ale, "Alright you drunken lot, I want everyone to raise their drinks in a toast to the most beautiful woman in the room..." Gendry could see the queen smiling conceitedly, expecting the king to toast to her, "...ILyanna Stark, the loveliest girl in all Westeros and soon to be my good-daughter!" And everyone raised their mug shouting excitedly and clapping to the announcement.

Gendry looked over and saw ILyanna staring at his father in shock. He was sure she was not expecting their engagement to be announced in that particular way, and judging by the looks of disbelief and anger on her families face neither were they.

Gendry stood from his seat abruptly and held his hand out to ILyanna, "Would you do me the honor of a dance, ILyanna?"

ILyanna smiled gratefully at him and took his offered hand, "It would be my pleasure, Gendry."

The entire feasting hall watched as Prince Gendry joined Lady ILyanna in their first dance together as a betrothed couple.

It only took a few moments for everyone to get tired of watching them and continue on with their drinking. Gendry looked down at ILyanna; he could not believe this beautiful girl was to be his wife. How did he get so lucky?

Then he had a sudden thought, "I hope our betrothal does not displease you." He spoke softly to her so as no one else would hear. Was she offended to be marrying a bastard, even if he was a legitimized one?

ILyanna looked at him with a reassuring smile, "No, I am not unhappy about our betrothal."

Gendry looked at her further, "But you're not completely happy about it either, are you?"

ILyanna sighed before answering him, "It's not that I am unhappy about our betrothal, it is the fact that soon I will be traveling to King's landing with you and have to leave my home. Also the thought of being future queen is slightly terrifying." She finished with a slight chuckle.

Gendry smile at her answer, "Trust me I know how you feel, I have had my whole life to prepare for being king when my father dies and I am still not completely sure I'm ready for it."

"Well, now we can try to be ready for it together." ILyanna said to him with a small grin, and he returned it with one of his own, "I like the idea of that very much."

ILyanna smiled once more before she turned her head and saw her father speaking to someone. Catching sight of the person's face her smile grew wider. Turning to Prince Gendry she spoke, "Excuse me for a moment, there is someone I must speak to." And before Gendry could reply she had run off into the sea of people.

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